Night Eating HELP



  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I am a night owl and I plan my eating knowing that I will most nights be up until 1 or 2 in the morning. If you plan out snacks for the evening I really don't think that it matters if you eat at night. I eat every 2ish hours from the time I wake up until close to when I go to bed and rarely have a hard time sticking to 1200-1500 calories a day. It helps me to plan out my day in advance.
  • mommyjen7
    Way way worse with the night eating. WHAT is my problem? Do I want to sabotage myself. I am fine during the day.
  • mushalek
    Way way worse with the night eating. WHAT is my problem? Do I want to sabotage myself. I am fine during the day.

    I was researching this for one of my classes, there is an actual condition called NES night eating syndrome, people who have this can suffer from large stress amounts, depression, sleep apnea or just low serotonin levels, the cravings usually come from carbs, because those help raise serotonin levels, people with this sometimes don't even realize that they are eating untill they wake up the next morning and see the evidence, here are some examples

    Night eating syndrome signs and symptoms
    * The person has little or no appetite for breakfast. Delays first meal for several hours after waking up. Is not hungry or is upset about how much was eaten the night before.

    * Eats more food after dinner than during that meal.

    * Eats more than half of daily food intake after dinner but before breakfast. May leave the bed to snack at night.

    * This pattern has persisted for at least two months.

    * Person feels tense, anxious, upset, or guilty while eating.

    * NES is thought to be stress related and is often accompanied by depression. Especially at night the person may be moody, tense, anxious, nervous, agitated, etc.

    * Has trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Wakes frequently and then often eats.

    * Foods ingested are often carbohydrates: sugary and starch.

    * Behavior is not like binge eating which is done in relatively short episodes. Night-eating syndrome involves continual eating throughout evening hours.

    * This eating produces guilt and shame, not enjoyment.

    i feel your pain also, i do this way to often, tonight im going to booby trap the kitchen to try to stop myself ha
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I hear ya. I love to snack at night to. I definitely tie it to relaxation. I take care of my kids all day and after they go to bed I just want to sit on the couch and snack. I am trying to break that habit but using portion control instead of sitting there with a box of crackers or a bowl of ice cream. Sometimes I will have one slice of whole wheat bread and a tbs of peanut butter. Sometimes I will have a mini bag of popcorn. Another is a small bowl of kashi go lean with unsweetened almond milk. I try to leave some calories over because I know I am going to want to snack. Also I don't like going to bed feeling hungry. At the end of the day it's like everything else, it comes down to the choices we make. I have to keep telling myself that.
  • espn21
    espn21 Posts: 15
    Ive found that fresh, home made smoothies are great for late cravings. Add as much as ice as you want, because it will make it seem like youre getting way more than you actually are! More ice my dull the taste a bit, but will def fill you up! Heres what I do:

    -About 6 or 7 ice cubes
    -1 cup of almond milk
    Blend that up
    -add chobani non-fat greek yogurt cup any flavor pomegranate, raspberry, blueberry, strawberry ect.

    Only about 150 cals! Perfect late night snack to fill up!
  • jaimealison
    Night eating is a pain!

    Some tricks I have used to try and stop it, which at this point I almost have!

    Drink a cup of warm caffeine free tea, I like organic mint melange by mighty team this always fills me up
    Go to bed an hour earlier, not always possible but usually beats it
    If you're craving something crunchy or sweet keep those 100 calorie packs around, I especially like the smartpop popcorn though you can only eat one, and make sure its not too many carbs or sugar

    Hope those help!
  • jaimealison
    Night eating is a pain!

    Some tricks I have used to try and stop it, which at this point I almost have!

    Drink a cup of warm caffeine free tea, I like organic mint melange by mighty team this always fills me up
    Go to bed an hour earlier, not always possible but usually beats it
    If you're craving something crunchy or sweet keep those 100 calorie packs around, I especially like the smartpop popcorn though you can only eat one, and make sure its not too many carbs or sugar

    Hope those help!