Scale not showing weight loss! HELP!!

Ok so I've been using MFP for about a month or so now and total I had lost like 3 lbs, but last Sunday I started on this 30 Day Shred challenge with a group of MFP friends! Since I've started though, I've gained all the weight that I had lost back! Ughh, this gets me so down in the dumps! I mean I feel better because I'm exercising everyday but I am one of those people who has to see the scale number relate to my hardwork I'm putting in and when I don't it tends to make my eating habits get worse again! So I end up feeling like I'm going backwards. I'm in some dyer need of motivation, tips, advice & HELP!! I just need to know that I can push through this and get where I need to be! I have about 40 lbs I want to lose to be truly happy with myself, about 10 of those lbs are baby weight yet from my son who is now a year and a half old! it's time these pounds go bye bye!

Any advice, motivation, support you have would be greatly appreciated...who knows maybe I'm doing something totally wrong here! Please HELP! :cry:


  • michelle4271
    michelle4271 Posts: 194 Member
    not being able to see your diaries, I would suggest upping your water , water in is water out , anytime you change or increase your exercises your muscles will hold onto water for their repair. hopefully this will get the ball rolling for you.

    good luck and dont get discouraged, can take a couple weeks before your body reacts to change, continue to try to be patient
  • joolzsd
    joolzsd Posts: 51
    Oh man, that is discouraging! I can't see your diary, but how have you been doing on your calories? Have you been taking measurements? Unless you have eaten an extra 10,000 calories this week (and I think you would have noticed that) you did NOT gain back 3 lbs of fat. It has to be water - that's an intense exercise program and when your muscles are recovering, you will retain water. Watch your sodium, drink lots & lots of water, and you will be back on track scale-wise soon. And take measurements if you haven't already - a lot of times when the scale is stuck- the tape is going down.

    Hang in there!!
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    yes, try to measure rather than rely on scales, could be an option

    Good luck
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Make sure all of your goals/settings are correct - might help to read these threads that can help determine healthy, realistic goals/deficits -

    Make sure your intake and burns are accurate. Make sure you're drinking enough, and that sodium isn't too high. Make sure you're using body measurements. And remember that when you start a new exercise program, it's normal to have some water retention in the muscles. Keep at it, it WILL work. :wink:
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Step away from the scales for a while and measure, measure, measure. Far more effective than weighing
  • lovingbears2
    lovingbears2 Posts: 73 Member
    Honey, you KNOW you are exercising, and, I'm guessing, eating right, as well, ok? (Make sure the protein and sat fat levels are correct)...The scale is actually the LAST thing that is going to show all your hard work!! :grumble: You need to look at yourself, how you FEEL, how you LOOK,:blushing: how your clothes are fitting , i.e. looser, tighter? You KNOW you are NOT really gaining weight back, and I'm sure you know that muscle weighs more than fat ! :wink:

    You are doing an intense exercise program, and, as others have mentioned, muscles will need to repair, regenerate, and especially BUILD so you are getting a REV VED UP METABOLISM to boot!! You are increasing your metabolism, so burning more fat, even when you SLEEP!:love: Don't worry about the scale for a while... it is such a poor measurement:noway: for what you are doing so right:bigsmile: !!!
  • Nickie81
    Nickie81 Posts: 4
    I can let you know what I've done to loose 2 lbs a week. Breakfast I have a glass of water then a 100 calorie yogurt. Snack I have another glass of water with either Hummus and Melba crakers (only 4 or 5). Lunch I buy these salads already made at the grocery store called "ready-made" they come all different kinds. The one I LOVE has egg, bacon, and turkey (which i thought was ham for the longest time) and comes with a fork and just enough salad dressing. I also try and have another glass of water. I have another snack at 3.. most of the time it's a 100 calorie snack (brownie/cookie/yogurt/doritos.. (they are all pretty good), with more water. Supper is usually chicken with a veggie (no starch) on a small plate... with ofcourse.. more water.
    I know what you mean about the scale.. I feel like once I gain a pound it's ok to cheat for the day.. i also love my late night snack (fought with myself over it actually.) But I found that a VERY cold glass of water helps. I also go to the gym every morning before work and get on the tredmill for 30 min.. i don't know if you can do that with a baby but some type of just walking is fine.
    I just want to say, don't give up... you will feel better with yourself if you stick to it and say to yourself I CAN DO THIS. I need to lose alot of weight.. like 100 lbs.. it's not easy but keep going!!! Good luck hun
  • afasnacht
    afasnacht Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks for all the great advice everyone! I am going to look at those threads in regards to my goal setups etc. I had it set and I was eating 1570 calories a day...but I changed it and now it says I'll read the posts and see what I get from that! Also I know that I don't drink enough water...that is a BIG battle I have to work on! My problem isn't that I'm drinking soda or anything else in place of water, I'm just not drinking anything!!

    You guys are great encouragers and I really appreciate the support and advice that you ALL have given me!!