Non-smoking tips

shonasteele Posts: 473
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
I'm trying to quit smoking and read a bunch of previous posts from all you "quitters" out there. They are very motivating and helpful so thank you to so many for sharing, but I have one big hurdle I need some tips on...

Smoking while driving is my biggest challenge. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to break this particular nasty habit? :smokin:


  • nykdem
    nykdem Posts: 119 Member
    I gave up smoking ....... but unfortunately only for 6 months :-( But my worst habit was smoking whilst driving. I managed to stop by paying to have my car fully valeted and couldn't stand the thought of spoiling the fresh smell, having ash floating around or anything that would make my hard earnt money go to waste on the valet.

    Good luck with the quitting. Once I've got into the swing of MFP (only joined a week ago) I'm going to have another go at quitting.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,013 Member
    I use the electronic cigarette. It helps. I have been off the real deal for over a year. I had a system in the van. start the van, seat belt, light up, put it in drive. lol so, I know what you are talking about. I have now cut way back on the e-cig. My problem is the hand to mouth issue. It was either food or a smoke.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I did two things.

    Hard candy to keep my mouth busy
    and a "worry" stone to keep my free hand busy (can be anything small you can fidget with.)
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    sure..stop buying cigs.

    the biggest block to quitting are those big thing was too driving, coffee and being on the computer.

    i quit years ago by setting a firm date..i went a month out..i stepped down and took welbutrin. i slowly decreased how much i smoked, increased my workouts and tried to be healthy over all. after my date i havent smoked since. i used a lot of replacement oral sun flower seeds, the kind you have to break open in your mouth. mostly is will power to just say no..but i'm lucky..i am very strong in the will power front...if i want to do something i do it full force. and wont stop till i accomplish whatever it is
  • lynenz
    lynenz Posts: 29
    I read a book called "the easyway to stop smoking" by Allen Carr. Although I have only been smoke free for two months now, it changed my whole mind set about quitting and I know I will never smoke another cigarette again.
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    You are not alone!! Driving and smoking is the norm for me here in the traffic hell of Southern California. I also suffer from severe anxiety caused by driving. I'm on low-dose Seroquel during the day to ease the stress of driving, but having a smoke in my truck makes the drive easier. I too, would love to quit, but the damn habit is so hard to break.

    And, to make matters worse and make me feel like an *kitten*, my fiance has just started smoking again this week due to stress and from me always having cigarettes around. He has been smoke-free for over 6 months and quit with sheer will-power.

    I like the idea of the worry stone (or something to keep your hand busy), but over-zealous police officers are notorious for pulling people over out here and claiming they were on a cell phone.

    All in all, I'm very, very tempted to give the e-cig a try. I'm tired of my teeth getting yuckier, my truck being covered in ash and my windshield having that weird haze on the inside; and well, I just want to breathe!!!

    Keep us posted as to what tips you try and what works!!!
  • I quit smoking in 1998 after I had a very bad cold and did not smoke for a week. I just stopped after many years of smoking (I started when I was 13; just to look cool).
    I think what helped me was that from the inside I was ready to stop smoking.
    When I had a craving for a cigarette I cleaned the house. You cannot believe how clean my house was shortly after stopped smoking :happy:
  • Sadie98072
    Sadie98072 Posts: 212 Member
    Being ready to stop is the key. I have quit many many times over the years, but I havent had a smoke in over 4 years now and I am not even tempted any more because I dont want to start again. I cant have just one, its all or nothing.
    The last time I quit I used patches, they work really well but you still have to WANT to do it.
    The first 3 days are always the worst when you give up. If you get get through them you can totally quit for good.
    As for smoking in the car - take your packet of smokes and chuck them in the boot before you get in the car.
    Best of luck!

    ps - I used to smoke 40+ a day for well over 10 years
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