Need Encouragment

cnstout Posts: 5
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hello from California!
I'm just starting today. MY daughter recommended this site to help me in my quest to lose weight. This all seems overwhelming right now but I know I can do this - I need to lose 3 sizes.
I suffer from Fibromyalgia and Interstitial Cystitis (painful bladder syndrome) which leaves me in pain a lot. With the bladder problems comes a wierd diet - (NO leafy green veggies, hardly any green veggies at all) AND vanilla ice cream is a recommended food as it doesn't have anything that will irritate the bladder. You can see the problem here.
It's been a comfort to eat. However, being overwieight ends up causing more pain - stress on joints, etc.
So, I know when I lose the weight I need to lose, my overall pain will diminish.
Any encouragment will be greatly appreciated.


  • Rosered1
    Rosered1 Posts: 1
    Oh you can definitely do this. That's really hard not to be able to eat some of the best things for you, but just look at other fruits and veggies that can help supply you with the same important things that the green ones give you and just substitute. It's hard to do a lot when you have health problems, but you know even just walking around the house and walking the dog or doing chores helps in this process too. Your still moving and doing a lot, so make a work out from your chores. Mom's do soo much as it is and stress is no friend. Don't worry about and do your thing cause you got this. You go girl!
  • KTalada
    KTalada Posts: 47
    Welcome! I am a recent joiner of MFP as well & have found this site to be so helpful & the support of everyone is so great! Everyone's journey to be healthier is different, but with a little concentrated effort, it can be done! You made the first step of joining MFP & I know you will succeed with a little support from your friends here. I also have a goal to lose 3 sizes hopefully by my birthday in August. With the fibromyalgia are you able to walk each day even a brief distance? Can you eat no sugar added vanilla ice cream or does something in that trigger the bladder pain? (Sorry for all the questions--just trying to understand.)

    I wish you all the best with your journey to better health! <3
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