
So, I am dieting to lose some weight due to some health issues. This sight is a God send so far. Thank you! But I am very new to all of this. The doc put me on 1500 cals a day plus exercise. I am trying very hard to eat that many cals but it keeps giving me extra for the exercise. To lose weight, do I have to eat all 1500 cals a day plus my exercise cals?
And is there a recipe index here? So I can see others recipes? Thanks!



  • namrettik
    namrettik Posts: 127
    For the calories, that's a question for your doctor. He/she put you on 1500 calories to begin with, he/she will know their advice on whether you should be eating back your exercise calories or not (assuming they're not burning outrageous numbers of calories).
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    That's definitely a question for your doctor - but make sure he is not taking a shot in the dark. If you eat too little, you could really slow down your weight loss and mess up your metabolism. If your health insurance allows you some sessions with a nutritionist, he/she may be more helpful than your doctor. Good luck!