30 Day Shred Challenge Level 3- WE ARE DONE!!! OMG

ok everyone here we are at the end of the this 30 day shred challenge! You all have done so well and it is time for our last check in!

Here are my stats:

Weight: 233.8 (-4 lbs)
Waist: 34 in (-2 inches)
Hips:44 (.5 inches)
Thighs: 24 (+2 inches [there is a lot more muscle there so I am not too worried about it..])
Calves: 13.5 (-1.5 inches)

So in 30 days I have lost a total of:
-7 lbs
Waist: -3.5 inches
Hips: -4 inches
Thighs: -3 inches
Calves: 3.5 inches
and a few inches off of other places!! I am pretty pleased with this...I wish it would have been more but it is a good start.

How did you do in 30 days?

p.s. I am planning on doing 20 days of this again (10 on level 2 and 10 on level 3) since I have about 20 days before I leave and less than that before I have to go shopping. Anyone else want to do this?
I also am going to start running. Using the C25K program (except I won't be taking breaks I will be doing it every day) Anyone up for a challenge with this? let me know ;)


  • Bmorrow
    Bmorrow Posts: 169
    You amaze me...great job!
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    Great work!!! Sorry I wasn't able to get on here sooner...I've had a really busy couple of days. You did so great and so should be really proud of all the loss you had! I'll update my measurements on here in the morning :) I'm planning on starting Ripped in 30 tomorrow too...but I would love to keep checking in with you guys :) its a great motivator! I also sort of began the C25K a few weeks ago...but then it snowed here again and has been really cold. Hopefully it warms up soon so I can do that along with you too! Great job again! I'll be checking in in the morning :)
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    Again, great job! Here are my measurement results:
    Neck 14 (-.25)
    Arms 13 (-.5)
    Bust 39.75 (-.25)
    Waist 32.75 (-2.25)
    Belly 36.5 (-2)
    Hips 45.75 (-1.75)
    Thighs 28.25 (-1.25)
    Calves 17.75 (-.75)
    Lost 9 inches total :)
    I went from 201.2lbs to 195.8lbs :)