weight gain from cancer --- looking for a weight loss friend

Hi everyone. I am new here. Looking for a little extra motivation. See...this past september, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Before my diagnosis, I was pretty active. I had just had a baby, but was losing the weight and slimming down nicely. That all went downhill with my treatments. Through chemo, I was unable to exercise. Then I had a radical mastectomy and was restricted from most activity for several weeks. Between the drugs, the steroids I was given, and the lack of exercise, I have not only gained pounds, but also inches. I seem flabbier than I was post-baby at this same weight. Here I thought cancer and chemo would help me lose weight :). Wow....I was wrong.

I'm still going through radiation. Pretty tired. But -- my clothes are not fitting right and I really need to get moving. I'm needing to increase my activity and lessen my calories. I would really like to lose 15 pounds at about 1 pound per week. By increasing my activity, I significantly decrease my risk of reoccurance. Super important! It needs to be my priority! I have two little ones here at home....I can't chance having cancer spread. Once I get going, I am sure that it will be easier for me, but right now I need some extra motivation.

Can anyone out there relate? Anyone want to work together through this task? I figure a buddy (even if through the computer) might be helpful.

Thanks for listening!


  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I'm here for you if you need someone :)

    I have not gone through what you are going through, however several family members including my father have had cancer, so I am familiar with what you are going through, even though I have not experienced it personally. Part of this journey for me is to get as healthy as possible so I can increased my chances of successfully avoiding something like that, since it has occured with so many of my family members.
  • MrsFarrow
    MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member
    I am also here for you if you ever need anything! I was diagnosed with SJS close to 6 months ago, and it was terrible. I had some lung scarring and coughed almost nonstop in addition to the terrible reaction I had. It definitely cut down on my fitness, and because I had blisters and sores inside my mouth, my diet was pretty much restricted to whatever I could eat without having it hurt. And that was a lot of mushy crap lol.

    I'm definitely trying to get healthy and active again, as much as I dislike being active haha. I hate running and such, but I know I need it to be healthy! I'll send you a friend request!! You can do this!!