Stationary Bike - how do I get the most out of it?

I have a new stationary bike and it seems silly, but I am not sure how to use it. I know ho to ride a bike :tongue: , but I am not sure how to use the bike in the best way to work on my weight. I have 30-45 minutes a day to give to this - so I don't want to waste it.

Should I warm up? slow down? go like a bat out of hell? Do I think about distance, time, intensity? Am I trying to get my heart rate up? sweat (eww)? Is there a website? a routine?

This is a lot more complicated than my blue schwin with the excellent banana seat!

Thanks for any advice!



  • smcclaycouffer
    smcclaycouffer Posts: 104 Member

    I would also like to know this =)
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member

    high intensity interval training.

    do short bursts of full speed then longer times at half that intensity.

    ps you can google it. usually if you are a new at it do shorter bursts..perhaps even 20-30 seconds at full blast..then 2-3 mins of normal/half intensity. do several of these until you reach however long you can go..20-30 mins..more when you build yourself up.
  • jamiek89
    jamiek89 Posts: 105
    I personally love to do intervals of strength & speed. so for 1 minute I sprint as if there is no calorie chocolate just a mile up the road ;) & then for the next minute I crank up the resistance & peddle hard. Intervals definately get the most out of a bike but its totally up to you what type you do, how long you make the intervals etc.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Honestly, exercise bikes don't do a whole lot. They work do work your legs, which is nice, but a more "full body" workout is better. A treadmill, an elliptical, machines like those, or even walking/running out side are better because you use your arms and you move your whole body. You use and strengthen a lot more muscles at once. My trainer told me to only use a bike if I was injured and that the rest of the time it was pretty much pointless. I never feel like I got a decent workout if I use the bike, it only feels like I worked my legs.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    You can do your bike and use hand weights at the same time
  • waterbabeAD
    I agree with most posters - interval training. Do short burst of high intensity then recover. Most stationary bikes have a programme you can set. Generally, stationary bikes are not as good as getting out and cycling on the road, but they do build up key muscle groups in your legs - which all sorts of other exercise will benefit from. we use legs for pretty much everything. I dont agree that stationary bikes are pointless - they may be for some fitness programmes, but it depends on your overall fitness goals.

    For me I use them to complement my triathlon training - a high intensity session givens me a good cario workout and builds key muscle groups when I dont have time for a long road cycle.
  • basilbrushthefirst
    Use it with a heart rate monitor, sit in front of the TV with headphones and try and do aerobic sessions, keeping your heart rate at a steady (say 70%) of its maximum value. Do at least half an hour several times a week. For me, the pounds dropped off - I'd tried the high intensity short burst effort route but it didn't really work for me, although it does improve your high end fitness.

    I'm training for 100 mile races and I use this method right through the winter

    having said all that, I'd much rather be out on the road at this time of the year.

    Your legs are the largest muscles in your body and using them is the best way of burning off calories.:smile:
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    Not sure if they exist, but I would look into finding out if the make spin class DVDs. Have been taking spin at the gym, and it is a great calorie burner. Speed intervals, resistance intervals, sprints, climbs, slides, running, basically mixing it up a lot. Thought was going to die my first class, now I live it.
  • ilsie99
    ilsie99 Posts: 259
    Take a spin class at your local gym for an idea of how to do intervals. The mechanics will probably be slightly different (spin bikes are different than most stationary bikes) but you'll get the idea.