
Is ANYONE on here a recovering alcoholic? i have been searching the posts and I can not find any. I am one, and I fell off the wagon a couple days ago. Was wondering if there were any tips out there for resisting the urge to drink? Besides that medicine they can give you.

Appreciate all the help!!


  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member

    And let those goals be known to you. Just like everything you want to accomplish, you got to have a constant reminder why you want this. I've always been a fan of the poster with all your goals in view everyday you wake up. Yeah, it sounds very corny but, it works.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    will power
  • JulesGC
    JulesGC Posts: 9
    Good for you! Its a hard step to admit you have a problem with drink. Addiction is very much a process of the mind once the actual substance is out of the body. Alcohol and drugs are a way of us not facing up to the reality of what is around us and more importantly within us. Try ways of managing some of the past memories or difficulties that may be bothering you (You may not realise they are!). Counselling, reading various books, alternative therapies, exercise, meditation, hypnosis,....... all really good. Try some and find the one that is right for you! - Good luck!!!
  • JulesGC
    JulesGC Posts: 9
    Good for you! Its a hard step to admit you have a problem with drink. Addiction is very much a process of the mind once the actual substance is out of the body. Alcohol and drugs are a way of us not facing up to the reality of what is around us and more importantly within us. Try ways of managing some of the past memories or difficulties that may be bothering you (You may not realise they are!). Counselling, reading various books, alternative therapies, exercise, meditation, hypnosis,....... all really good. Try some and find the one that is right for you! - Good luck!!!
  • RedL1988
    RedL1988 Posts: 55
    Thanks for all the tips! I am confident I can do this. Alcohol is my biggest hold up when it comes to losing weight! And hey xraychick77, are u tech? I am. At work right now actually. lol.