Just wondering....

I finished day 5 of level 1 of the 30 Day Shred and the backs of my thighs are very sore.:noway: I do the stretches in the video and I also stretch after using my stationary bike. I've experienced soreness in the front of the thighs, the arms, gut, etc., but NEVER the BACK of my thighs. My shins are a little sore too but I'm also used to that...I think it's due to jumping jacks, jogging and the like, plus I have low vitamin d(am taking medication for it). I was just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this because it didn't happen until yesterday...is it that I'm working out pretty well or have I pulled something...or what?:huh: I'd appreciate all 30 Day Shredders comments on unexpected body changes from this workout because it's awesome and I love it...just never had this happen...thanks!:tongue: