Music without earphones while running outside?

SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
My hubby and I have been enjoying our ipod while running, but we listen to it without earphones - then we can both enjoy the music, plus hear road noise and nature in the background, which we prefer.

Problem is, the sound is so faint coming out of the bottom of the ipod. Is there such a device that is small and portable, but plays music openly without earphones blasting it into the ears?

He laughed at me for suggesting it (thinking of the jamboxes of the 80's) but I seriously see a need for it, so maybe someone else does too - does Ipod make a small speaker that you can wear on your arm or anything?


  • broadsword7
    broadsword7 Posts: 411 Member
    I haven't used this but I did see it on Amazon:

    Although you said speaker and not headphones, I wear Koss PortaPro headphones and keep them at a low enough volume so I can hear cars, other runners, etc. They look geeky because they are not ear buds, but they are comfortable and tough, and I have used em now for several years. You can buy replacement foam for them also.

    Good luck and keep on runnin.
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    I run with my earphones in (and they are the earplug style that really eliminates all outside noise), BUT I'm running in completely safe areas, and hyper-aware of my surroundings, and don't deal with traffic at all. I wouldn't do that if I was worried about any of those things in the slightest. What I have done in the past if I've gone for a walk or am out shopping, and don't want to eliminate my sense of sound around me, I have just worn one earphone bud in, and have the other dangling inside my shirt. I can still hear everything in my surroundings, and can still hear my music or podcasts.

    The cheaper earbuds (like the ones that come with the ipod) usually aren't bad at all for hearing your surroundings, as they don't cancel out surrounding noise. I like the one earphone in, one out method myself if I'm in that situation. Then I'm still getting to use the better quality earphones, but can hear what is going on around me if I need to do so.
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    Thanks guys - but, I was thinking my hubby and I could "share" the music (we only have one music player to share) if we got some kind of speaker. Maybe he could wear one bud and I could wear one bud? LOL... Then we'd have to run like siamese twins, so that wouldn't work.....
  • crys30
    crys30 Posts: 43
    I have an app on my Ipod that boosts the volume up a little. All you have to do is have a playlist and then hit the play button and it makes the music louder. Hope that helps.
  • ema21043
    ema21043 Posts: 45
    I have a small external speaker you plug in to you ipod that works well for me. My son and I listen together on our walks. I purchased it at a 5-Below for under $5.00. Worth a try for that amount.
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    im sure if you search amazon or go into an apple store they would help you find something you are looking for - there must be speakers for ipods by now
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Sounds like this might work for you:
  • let me suggest plantronics bluetooth headphones... they have an extra mic which is called open mic and you can hear the surroundings if you keep it open and also enjoy the music. But it hits the vallet hard... I think its for $79 or $99
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