New to MFP. Loving it so far!

andyloosbrock Posts: 175 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all. I am a 31 year old male from southwestern MN (closer to Sioux Falls SD as anything).

I had Lap Band Weight Loss Surgery on August 21 2006. I lost 119 pounds in 2 years. In the next 32 months, I have gained 96 pounds of it back.

Looking forward to using the service actively!

Thanks for the replies, but if you aren't geographically close to me, and/or I know you, I'm gonna have to decline being friends.


  • AngieR45
    AngieR45 Posts: 21
    Welcome. This site is motivational.:smile:
  • great site, has kept me motivated. Good Luck
  • yyzdnl
    yyzdnl Posts: 127 Member
    Welcome, I'm sure you will find this site a big help like I do.
  • deannar417
    deannar417 Posts: 193 Member
    Welcome to the site. Good luck with your goals. Add me if you like.
  • SquishyVicki
    SquishyVicki Posts: 280 Member
    Welcome!! I'm a newbie too and be warned - using this site is addictive which is fab for keeping the motivation going!! :smile:
    Good luck and as a fellow newbie feel free to friend me if you want to.....
  • Welcome to MFP! This is the only site that has helped me stay focused on eating right and staying involved in a workout routine on an regular basis. I really recommend MFP to anyone who is serious about losing weight and keeping it off in a healthy way. Wishing you the best of luck! Feel free to friend me.

  • I'm new as well :-) If any one wants a weightloss buddy add me...

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