Newbie from the Twin Cities

Hello everyone!

I am new here and I was refered to this site by a great friend! I am looking to lose 50+ lbs and have fun doing it!! If anyone else is in need of support or motivation I would love to help you along the way. This is my year to start some new chapters in my life!


  • rican64
    rican64 Posts: 2
    Hi. I started using myfitness pal several weeks ago. My friend recommend the site because it kept in track with the total calories. He does not need to lose weight. His focus is to maintain. I also would like to lose 50 pds. I started Weight Watchers over 13 weeks ago and lost about 13pds. Since using myfitnesspal I have lost an additional 2.6 pds. I finally reached 15+pds. I would like to join you in your journey for motivation purposes. Rican64
  • kac7700
    kac7700 Posts: 125 Member
    I'm from the Twin Cities too. Welcome and feel free to add me if you want more friends :-)
  • redmessenger
    redmessenger Posts: 31 Member
    welcome. I am new to the site as well. I am in a similar boat as you. I am here for support if you need it.