hey it's me, again!

linscave Posts: 59 Member
Hi there,
I have been using this site for a while off and on but never got the jist of the whole 'friending thing' ! I have mooched about the forums a little and have posted a couple of times. But now I am back again and this time I mean business! :wink:

For the last 10days I have been AWOL from the site after family issues and visitors have meant a real fall from the wagon! I have gained 6lbs since my last weigh in. Which is definitely not the plan!

So, from tomorrow I am back with the programme and plan to use this site whenever i think about reaching for the chocolate/wine (my biggest vices)

I would love some friends to support me in my goals. I only want to lose 10lbs and get my bottom back somewhere around where it once was!

If you read this and know how to do the 'friending thing' then befriend me now, but please explain what i need to do to friend you back!!!!

Thanks! :smile:


  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    If someone friends you, all you have to is accept.
  • linscave
    linscave Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks for explaining the system to me!

    Sometimes i am too blonde for my own good!

    Thanks guys for the friends requests

  • MysticMoon
    MysticMoon Posts: 21 Member
    I'm happy to help you stay off the wagon as long as ou promise me the same as i'm just as bad with Baileys and chocolate and sweeties lol
    Sometimes pain and immobility knock me for six which is an easy route to falling off the wagon. But i need to focus more and i need help too xx