Holy cow....SOOOO out of shape!



  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409

    My questions are a.) am I the only one THIS out of shape? And b.) how in the world am I supposed to improve on this?

    a) NOPE. I was 238 lbs when I started exercising and believe me when I tell ya that I could barely walk to the end of the street without feeling winded. 9 months later and I can run 5km just for fun.

    b) Just keep at it. Set some goals and just keep pushing yourself. Doesn't take long to start building some serious fitness. HAVE FUN :bigsmile: & good luck
  • mumma2boyz
    mumma2boyz Posts: 109 Member
    I started working out in november. I could hardly go up stairs without losing my breath. After 15 min of zumba dvd I was on the floor gagging and seeing stars. On day 2 i could go 20 min without collapsing. Then 25 min and so on. Now I can go for well over an hour and still have energy to keep my house clean. Stick with it and be patient. You can do it!
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    I bought a stationary bike to use at home. The first time I got on it, I had to push myself to ride 5 minutes at 10mph. Now two months later, I ride for 40 minutes at 14mph. I just try to push myself a little farther, harder or faster each workout. It does get easier. I am trying to remember this myself right now as I attempted a new workout yesterday and felt like I was back at day one again.