Apple Cider Vinegar



  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    Sorry this screams gimmick/fad diet trick to me. While I do use thinks like this as dressing on a salad these days I do not attribute weight loss to it. Just eating right and sticking to your calorie goals will yield the same results, so if you are doing that with this vinegar thing who is to say that the same thing would not happen without the vinegar. Correlation does not always equal causation.
  • RainbowNtheWaterfall
    RainbowNtheWaterfall Posts: 552 Member
    My mom likes braggs vinegar with honey as a hot have to sweeten it to taste...i tried it, it isn't bad at all=0)
  • CLA2801
    CLA2801 Posts: 50 Member
    I do 2 TB in 16 oz of water mixed with a little lemon juice and stevia or splenda. It's almost like a lemonade. It might be an acquired taste, but I do like it.
    Ok so I decided to try this ACV in my hot tea this morning and just can't do it, Tastes horrible. I guess the only
    way I am going to get it in my diet is either in my salad or in a smoothie. I told my mom about it and now she
    wants to buy some since it has so many things that it is used for.

    Well it's acidic, so I can't imagine it tasting good in tea. Yuk!
  • RainbowNtheWaterfall
    RainbowNtheWaterfall Posts: 552 Member
    I do 2 TB in 16 oz of water mixed with a little lemon juice and stevia or splenda. It's almost like a lemonade. It might be an acquired taste, but I do like it.
    Ok so I decided to try this ACV in my hot tea this morning and just can't do it, Tastes horrible. I guess the only
    way I am going to get it in my diet is either in my salad or in a smoothie. I told my mom about it and now she
    wants to buy some since it has so many things that it is used for.

    Well it's acidic, so I can't imagine it tasting good in tea. Yuk!

    try honey...that's what we use...might taste a little better
  • ashleymcquown
    Sorry this screams gimmick/fad diet trick to me. While I do use thinks like this as dressing on a salad these days I do not attribute weight loss to it. Just eating right and sticking to your calorie goals will yield the same results, so if you are doing that with this vinegar thing who is to say that the same thing would not happen without the vinegar. Correlation does not always equal causation.

    you make a good point here but i don't see any harm in adding this to your diet. i've heard nothing but good things about the health benefits of ACV. if folks choose to use it to supplement their MFP program, then power to them!
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I've heard so many great things about it! It was on The Dr's becasue a girl would put it on moles she wanted to get rid of and they would scab up and fall off lol. Seems like it can do a lot of things for ya
  • Green_Eyed_Girl88
    Green_Eyed_Girl88 Posts: 73 Member
    I have actually heard that apple cider vinegar is conducive to weight loss. Just somehow the thought of downing even a small bit of vinegar calls my acid reflux to protest! But hey, I will try it and keep my Pepcid AC close at hand!!

    Actually, my husband who suffers from severe acid reflux drinks a tbs apple cider vinegar each day. It has really helped with the reflux. His doctor told him about it a few months ago :)