Hi from Australia. Trying again.......

Hi everyone,

I've been fighting a constant battle to shed 10kg for the last 10 years. I've found I lose a few kgs and then something like Christmas comes up, I get sidetracked in my goals and I never get back on the wagon- and I regain the kgs I lost. It's been a vicious circle like that since I can remember.

Anyway now I've found this site and I'm trying again. This time I will get there once and for all!! I love the myfitnesspal iphone app. I think this will definitely help me in tracking. Looking forward to meeting you and sharing in the weight loss journey.



  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Welcome and good luck!! Feel free to add me as a friend...the more support the better! I love the iphone app to!
  • Ambria0516
    I use the Iphone app as well. It is the best thing!!!! Good luck and stay focused..... You can do it!!!!
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    Hi..Aussie here too! Good luck it's the best site for support and so is the app. Feel free to add me too and stay away from those Anzac bikkies today lol
    I need to loose the last bit too