Just to say hello and get started

smoonygirl Posts: 23 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself

I just wanted to post something to get my feet wet and to say hi to the other members on here. I I tried to do things like this before and have failed in the past... this time I am hoping I can stick with it. I like that this is a like social networking for weight loss and I do not have to worry about skinny little people that don't understand making comments on my troubles and struggles...

I am here is be... well.. free... in more ways then one :) I'm pretty open so feel free to get to know me.


  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    Congrats on joining..this is just the best place for support:smile: All the very best
  • Welcome! This site is amazing. I love it. I joined in Jan with a friend who wasn't as determined as me to lose weight. I stumbled on the message boards (I just used the iphone app), met some fantastic supporting friends and have lost almost 50lbs. Feel free to add me as a friend for support. Good luck on your journey!
  • dixiedeb
    dixiedeb Posts: 1
    I just started this a couple of weeks ago and love it. I have a very supportive daughter and boyfriend. It's very hard to change your lifestyle when you live in the Cheese state. But I'm doing it and have had great success. I'm starting yoga next week and plan to walk 30 mins 4 days this week. Keep up the good work!
  • write2sonya
    write2sonya Posts: 165 Member
    Welcome aboard, you will find this site is very helpful and the people are very supportive!
  • Hi and welcome! It definitely is a struggle. :grumble: But we are worth it. :smile: I see you live near me too. I don't know anyone here, moved to the area last August. Wish you the best on your journey here.
  • fournid
    fournid Posts: 2
    For grins after eating one heck of a fabulous Easter supper, I decided to calculate my calorie intake today of all days. Man oh man, what an eye opener. Potato salad is how many calories for 1 cup? So not worth it. Either way, Happy Easter everyone. Here's to looking fabulous in that bikini by June.
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 531 Member
    welcome to MFP and good luck on your weight loss journey, and don't worry about them skinny people most of them cant run 3 miles in 3 mins but, this 237 pounder can :P we want it more thats why were here :wink:
  • dimwig
    dimwig Posts: 3
    Hi all, im just wondering if there are any Aussies out there that could offer me support and encouragement!!! I do have a few friends but they are in a completely different time zone which can make it difficult!!! Thanks!
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