my grandmother asked me if they were real! lol

keljo05 Posts: 173
My eyelashes that is, lol.

I have occular rosacea and spent 8 years looking for a mascara I can wear daily without it triggering a reaction in my eyes. I was thrilled to recently find this brand (tarte) and the mascara not only works great.. but magnifies my lashes amazingly, lol. I always knew I had long eyelashes.. now I can prove it, lol


  • Kjandcuttysmom
    Kjandcuttysmom Posts: 146 Member
    awesome! where did you get it from and does it separate the lashes well?
  • keljo05
    keljo05 Posts: 173
    I found it on QVC and it separates and thickens them. Some reviews said it was clumpy.. but i've not had a problem with that. The specific one I'm using is called Lights, Camera, Lashes Mascara. I ordered it with an auto ship option and was a bit nervous. Now I'm so glad I did as it's been almost a month and I couldn't be happier with a mascara, lol
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I have long eyelashes too, which is mainly part of the allergic cluster but I'll take it!

    I LOVE the mascaras that have a primer and then mascara. Maybelline XXL line is fantastic!

    If you're worried about lash separation, yes, the brushes can make a difference. But so can your technique in application.

    When you've first taken the wand out of the tube, knock any clumps off it.

    Start at the inner corner of your eye, where thicker mascara is not going to create goopy lumps as those lashes are sparser.

    When you get to the outer half to third of your eye, HOLD the brush at the tips to create some curl. At the outer edge of your eye. you need to use the brush perpendicularly to your lashes to tease them all out.

    If you begin at the base of the lashes and wiggle the brush, then go up, lashes will separate.

    When you go back for a second coat, only do the tips of the lashes and the outer third of the eye. Hold at the top of that outer third, as this will help to curl them again.

    I have completely given up on lash curlers. Maybe I just use them incorrectly, but they evertually result in lash breakage for me so I have better results without them.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I found it on QVC and it separates and thickens them. Some reviews said it was clumpy.. but i've not had a problem with that. The specific one I'm using is called Lights, Camera, Lashes Mascara. I ordered it with an auto ship option and was a bit nervous. Now I'm so glad I did as it's been almost a month and I couldn't be happier with a mascara, lol

    How clumpy a mascara gets has a lot to do with how old it is and how well you reseal it after using. Depending on time of order from QVC or HSN, you can get very fresh product or really old product. If it's recently been featured on air, you tend to get fresh product. Don't worry about sending old product back--you should! ( I swear by some HSN skincare items and I've gotten some horrifically inferior product when it's not been recently on air.)

    And don't forget that a lot of TV shoppers are homebound and do not use the products regularly. If you don't use it for 6 months, yes, it's going to get old, goopy, etc.
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    I have long eyelashes as well but they are so thin(like my hair) and board straight(like my hair) so if I don't curl them, then they stick straight out and aren't very dramatic....I have a problem with breakage when using eyelash curlers.....I wish there was something I could do about that...
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    My problem is longevity! I wear contacts & I don't know if that's why, but I always end up looking like a raccoon by mid-day! Esp now that I'm working out in the elements! I also like the Maybelline line, Collalsell (sp?) & Falsie lines in waterproof work well. Makeup Forever Smoky Lash ROCKED all last summer, but budget don't allow that right now! :-/
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    My problem is longevity! I wear contacts & I don't know if that's why, but I always end up looking like a raccoon by mid-day! Esp now that I'm working out in the elements! I also like the Maybelline line, Collalsell (sp?) & Falsie lines in waterproof work well. Makeup Forever Smoky Lash ROCKED all last summer, but budget don't allow that right now! :-/

    You know, I've heard so many beauty experts say that you don't have oil glands around your eyes and I am here to tell you that is BS.

    Waterproof mascaras are worse for people with oily skin, as those mascaras dissolve with oil. So if you are at all oily, do not buy waterproof mascara.

    I am super oily and always have been. My upper and lower lashes both hit my face. So it's a challenge.

    I never wear mascara on my lower lashes. They are longer than my uppers and more likely to hit my face, so I just don't go there any longer.

    Clean & Clear makes MAGNIFICENT blotting papers. I live by these things! They're about $4 a pack and worth their weight in gold. They absorb all the oil off your face without disturbing your make-up. I use them several times a day when I'm wearing make-up or mascara.\

    Clinique makes fabulous eye shadow primers, which are a big help if your upper lashes hit your face as they slow down the oils getting to the surface.