carb/protein/fat ratio



  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    I'm currently experimenting with different percentages, in an effort to stop weight loss and finally get into a maintenance groove. But, I'm a primal eater, so my percentages are going to look much different than a vegetarians :) Currently I'm trying out F50/C25/P25 and around 2,000 calories.
  • plasticplanet
    Another late posting !!

    I thought I'd just check see what a balanced carb fat protein diet was since at the moment I'm trying to loose weight..I just live cakes !! Anywho I've been using the fitbit tracker in descent conjunction with my fitness pal app

    So far since my relapse at Christmas when I piled on 4 kgs lol I've now lost 1.5kg bringing myself to 68.5kgs just in preparing my own meals gathered from healthy eating sites etc

    My carbs are always around the 50% fat low 20's and protein makes up the rest..I find these are all with acceptable parameters with no effort on my behalf

    I limit my calories to 1200 a day about 95% I'm there but over the week I'm always a few thousand under the total goal..still no effort

    These people who wish to loose weight just need to prepare their own meals so they know what there eating..we all know the fitness pal app has a great meal tab for this..keep the calories down and try do some exercise

    It does make me chuckle reading how people state their percentages thinking that's all great...but consider you could still be eating 4000 calories a day and still have those's all relative ;)

    Also remember people who exercise a lot..muscle tissue is heavier than you could be excising a lot and not seeing much progress..possibly because your exchanging fat for muscle really is so great hearing the little wars people are having to fight the flab

    Keep it up your all doing a grand job !!
  • rhys2406
    People do your own research the recommended amount of protein is ridiculous!!!!

    I weigh 50 Kg and my recommended protein intake was recommend at 112 grams. The real recomended daily amount of protein is 0.8-1 gram per Kg of body weight, my real guideline is 40-50 grams of protein less than half of the apps rda!
  • New to this, so if I'm trying to lose/diet and IF I go with the 30g Carbs & 150g Protein, what exactly SHOULD BE LEFT/allocated for fat intake? (fat grams?) The "serious/easy" post only says "whatever is left"... but left of what?

    Is there a table or pie graph somewhere that shows x% equates to approx x grams of fat..

    I've heard that this ratio is good for dieting:
    How many grams are associated to each of those ratios is what I'm trying to get...

    Thx! C.
    Age 47, Starting 1000 cal diet, so based on 1000 what would the break down of grams be?

    UPDATE: I built a calc to figure out the post where it stated 30g carbs, 150g protein... which equates to
    which leaves 64% left to equal 100%
    so..... I need some clarification now for sure b/c I'm sure Steve surely isnt intending on a person to consume 64% in fat (which is what's left)...
    » » » Steve or others can you elaborate? Thx!

    +BTW, 20/30/50% based on my spreadsheet is:
    ..........44g fat/ 150g carb/ 250g prot
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member

    Eh, never mind. Caught by a zombie thread!