5'3" ladies!



  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    I am 5'3 and I too would like to be at 120-125! I am currently at 156 and I have been at 120 before so I know what I will look like once I get there and I would be very pleased to see that again! I started out at 161 and I am slowly losing!
  • M1ssBehave
    M1ssBehave Posts: 33 Member
    I have my goal set as 125, but I felt better at 115. I can't believe I let myself go like this, but I do remember at 115 I have no boobs and at 125 I have a better shape.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    I'm 5'2 & 130 lbs.and my goal right now is to get to 125.
  • ImBabyBunny
    I am 5'2 ( 1/2 and in of being 5'3! yay! ) My goal weight is 110lbs. I am going to see where I feel at 120 first. I am glad I am not the only short one int this world! Everyone towers over me! (Heels make it better)
  • soon2bmrsc
    I am currently at 136, but I would LOVE to reach my ultimate goal of 125! I really want to do this by June 20th (the day I go to Hawaii!) Any suggestions to help with weight loss? I seem to have hit a rut! :/
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    Heaviest according to Dr.'s scale 172/174 b/c her scale needs re-calibrated.
    (Which I'm going to go weigh on in 2 hours. So we will see what hers says.)

    I'm 5'3 also. I started MFP the last week of Oct at 169lbs. This morning I'm 156.4lbs. For me this has been a slow process losing -1/2 lb in 2 months, -2.5 in 2 months and then -6 in one month. That was just by changing gyms in February.
    I have my goal set at 129. That would make an even 40lbs lost. I'm just focused on being under 141lbs right now. I was 141lbs back in 2007 but thought my forearms looked to small.

    On my scale the BMI said 33.0% this morning (which I had been stuck at 33.3%) and on my body fat digital caliper a few weeks ago it said 27% body fat. My legs and arms don't really have fat where it measures, its all in my belly. I notice I lose under my bra band and down my obliques first.

    I'm just going to go by how I look and feel but definite need to be under 141lbs to have a healthy BMI.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    5' 3.75", large bone structure (6.75" wrist). Goal weight 135-140. More important, goal bodyfat percentage: 18-20%. If I get my BF%, I could care less about the weight.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    5'2.5" with a larrrge bone structure, so I enter myself as 5'3" on here

    Started at 180 or higher a couple years ago, fell off the wagon, got back up to that weight, lost 10 pounds, came back here.
    Now my goal is to reach 121.5 pounds on here because its exactly a 50 pound weight loss.

    Really, tho. 122 seems to be smack dab in the middle of healthy range....but I'd still like to be about 115 or so.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I'm 5'3 3/4" and 110 pounds. Perfectly happy with that.

    I was 102 a couple of years back (mostly due to stress at work) but I looked awful. My skin was saggy and I had cellulite on the back of my legs. Now I am less body fat, still in the same pants, and look 10000000x better.

    Just wanted to put that out there for those concerned about scale weight, believe me when I tell you the mirror is a way better judge.
  • vara_andrea
    I would like to get to 118
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    I'm 5'3 1/2". Currently 140.00 (Started MFP 3/5 at 150lbs) Lost 10 YAY! My goal is 128. I'm 49 which is why my goal is higher. In my 20's and early 30's my goals would have been very different. I maintained my weight at 112-120 (except for pregnancies and post). But, at my age, I really don't think I look good that thin - saggy skin and all. I'm not even sure 128 will work. If not, I won't mind eating a bit more! Maybe 134 or so?

    Also, I think I'm buffer now - years of weight training behind me now, started at 35.
  • xrwhis
    xrwhis Posts: 2 Member
    5'3"as well, goal weight 135, 155 now so have a ways to go...Just want to accomplish this goal the healthy way not the quick fix.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    it was 115, got there last month, now that im more into weigt training I maintain 120.....im into the fitness models more than fashion models.....
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I'm somewhere between 5'2 and 5'4 (changes every time I'm measured lol) and my current goal is 140lbs. Been there before and while I'm sure I could have lost more I was happy at that weight.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    i'M 5'3" and i sure wish i was starting where most of you are :( i'm 198...I was tiny when I graduated high school at 135 lbs, so I think I must carry my weight a little differently. I have really stocky muscular legs too. My first goal is 150, and then when I hit there I will re-evaluate. I'm also measuring bodyfat percentage, so moreso want to get a healthy number there too.
  • skinnyhopes
    skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
    Well I'm 5'3" and I have a small bone structure and I'm 114 right now, but I want to get down to 100-105.
  • Eskimopie
    Eskimopie Posts: 235 Member
    5'3 and currently about 121. There is a full-body shot of me at 125ish and while I look ok, I'd love to shave 10 lbs off that number while adding muscle. 110, my stated goal weight ,is probably a bit of a pipe dream...haven't weighed that since high school when I was a couple inches shorter...
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Hey I would like to know how many calories you ladies are eating and whether you are eating your exercise calories. Just curious cause I'm all over the place
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    I'm set at 1 lb. per week (for another 10 lbs) and am zig zagging my calories (1390 calories on Monday, 1390 on Tuesday, 1890 on Wednesday, 1390 on Thursday, etc). Which means my total calories range from 1450 to 2200 per day depending on exercise... and yes, I eat every single exercise calorie back (plus or minus 50 kcal).
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    Well I posted earlier about going to weigh on my Diabetic Dr's scale than has been wrongly calibrated.
    I weighed in at 158 with jeans. So according to her records my max was 176lbs b/c she said I'm down 18lbs total. On MFP I'm down a total of 13lbs.

    My calories are set for 1270. I have gone up and down on them numerous times and have just had a very slow weight process. I do make sure to at least get my net to 1200. Somedays I feel bad going over my calories other days I don't. I have done every configuration from loosing 1/2 to 2lbs a week and just seems like my body is weird.

    I also re-did my digital fat caliper this afternoon and got 29%body fat compared to last time of 27%. I honestly think the 29% is closer to what I really am considering other people body fats.