tracking fruits and veggies

Is there an easy way to track the number of servings of fruits and vegetables eaten in a day? Especially when it comes to things like factoring in marinara sauce.


  • cocobeenie
    Just like with other things you are tracking, you just have to get used to mrasuring and weighing your food. It also helps to get familiar with the what specific units the foods you eat use to be tracked. For example, when I eat strawberries they could be measured in cups, grams, ounces, or number of berries. The strawberry info I mormally use measures in number of berries so when I eat strawberries I dont have to worry about measuring or weighing but i have to remember to count.

    Marinara sauce is tricky. If you make your own you can enter the recipe into myfitnesspal or cronometer to get info for the whole recipe (its really easy but takes so getting used to also) then divide it into servings for meal to meal calorie counting. If you get it from a bottle look on the label and see what units they use to measure. Use those portions when you measure it to eat it and make sure you log the right brand and flavor of marinara sauce. There is olive oil and sometimes sugar in marinara sauce, which can make some brands really calorie dense. Thats why you need to know what brand you are eating. If you are eating out I would search marinara sauce and pick one that was in the more calorie dense side, since we all know restaurants really know how to pack in the salt, fat, and sugar.

    I hope this helps, good luck!