what clothing will you miss when they no longer fit?



  • knoelledi
    knoelledi Posts: 91 Member
    A lot of my 'fat' clothes I bought in desperation of needing work clothes. I went from an 18 and now down to most of my 12s. I did buy some dresses in April before I started this and they're starting to get loose but so far still wearable. I listed a bunch of my clothes on eBay yesterday. Hoping to make something to afford some new pieces because if I'm almost in all of my 12's and looking to lose 40 more lbs, I'm going to be falling out of those soon!

    I am noticing my shoes I wear to work out are getting too big and causing some toe issues. I may double sock it until I'm to goal so I can buy shoes that fit for good.
  • jenschroll
    jenschroll Posts: 162 Member
    Everything that kept me warm. I'm freezing over here and have no fall/winter stuff that fits....seriously!
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    When I hit 40 lb down, I bought 2 new bras (one of which already doesn't fit, and I shouldn't have let them talk me into it).

    The Elomi brand bra is the most comfortable bra I've ever worn, and when I shrink out of it I hope to find the same brand, the same comfort in a smaller size.

  • Icandoityayme
    Icandoityayme Posts: 312 Member
    I won't miss any of them. I will replace them with new things at a smaller size. I have already had to get a few new items and I was very excited by the smaller sizes. I can now shop for clothes without worrying as much that they don't have cute things my size.
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    Nothing. Nothing at all.
    They can all be replaced. Probably can find better stuff.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    when I got back into an office job my husband took me to Express for work slacks. Now I'm losing so much weight I cant' bring myself to go back until I "level out."