Battleaxe Bride Bootcamp!!

shawn526 Posts: 79 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Today is Day One of getting fit for my wedding. We're not getting married until Nov 6 (at our local Battleship Half marathon) but I've got to get myself in gear, since I don't want to be as big as a battleship at the wedding ;) And any fitness/weight loss will certainly help my running speed in the races I have in between.

So on top of my typical 4 days/week of running, I'm adding in weight training 3x a week and yoga 2x a week, and some form of cardio on the days I don't run, whether it's a video or a bike ride. And one rest day a week.

On the food side of things, I'm going to be paying much closer attention to my diet. I have a tendency to stop logging here after lunch and eating WAY too many calories at dinner, mostly from things like an extra scoop of rice or potatoes, or drinking a pop instead of Crystal Light.

So those are my goals for the next few months. Any other suggestions or ideas are welcome :)


  • you can do it!! good luck!
  • schobert101
    schobert101 Posts: 218 Member
    Hey Shawn! Time to get serious huh? Good luck. Just one observation..........wondering why you want to do more cardio on your non-running days? The weight training and yoga are great ideas. You might want to read this post from today about 'skinny fat' syndrome and just burning more and more calories with cardio to make up for eating doesn't seem to work too well


    Unfortunately I'm in this skinny fat category myself.....normal BMI but still very fatty! I don't like to do weights and my cardio tends to be a lot of long slow runs etc rather than the high intensity stuff. I think you might want to reconsider just pushing the cardio to extremes. 80% of weight loss is diet anyway the and extra cardio isn't likely to add much to the regimen with regards to body composition and weight loss and trying to fit all that in might be difficult.

    For those reading this please know Shawn and I are personal friends that go a long way back so I can feel free to give some 'advice' on her regimen that I might not say to a stranger!
  • shawn526
    shawn526 Posts: 79 Member
    Well, I was thinking that I'd do the extra 2 days of cardio to burn more calories. So the gist of the article says that to burn fat, I need to just restrict my calories and not try to burn it through extra exercise, if I'm reading that correctly. So instead of 6 days of cardio, just do my usual 4 and maybe do the weights/yoga on my non-running days. It's worth a shot.

    I know that my biggest issue is the food. I'm going to be extra-vigilant about my rice at dinner tonight, so we'll see how it all shakes out this week.

    Thanks for the input, Carol!
  • schobert101
    schobert101 Posts: 218 Member
    That is how I read it too but not just this article. many all say the same. I am the guiltiest of all regarding probably doing too much cardio and not enough weights. I know when I read and followed Body for Life last year Bill Phillips always advised 3 days of each at high intensity. And now I'm at that fat but normal weight stage and I don't look all that good naked........
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