HELP PLEASE! Not losing :(



  • irishkiss
    irishkiss Posts: 115 Member
    I know what you mean by needing caffine. I tried going cold turkey on soda and couldnt. I used to drink at least 4 barqs every day. I switched to coke zero. It is good and to me doesnt have the bad after taste. I treat myself to one at dinner time and drink crystal light or mia in water during the day. I hate water and these make it much better. HTH...
  • BusyMomma2012
    BusyMomma2012 Posts: 41 Member
    I would also bet money that you are seriously overestimating your calories burned during exercise. 900+ multiple days in a row is a LOT.

    I work out for at least 2 hours every time I workout...2 hours of straight cardio burns a lot of calories
  • leebluejay
    One more suggestion--muscle mass weighs more than fat. So if you truly are working out a lot, it's possible that you are gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time, thus a weight gain. Most people don't have access to a body fat scale, but you can still monitor progress by taking your waist, thigh, hips, and neck measurements. I see drops in those even though I put on a pound in a week. If your pants get looser, you're probably ok. I understand the sodium stuff though--I always have a high intake of that as well, but my cholesterol is fine due to good genetics so it doesn't seem to affect me too much. Always a good suggestion to lower though. Good luck!
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    Reduce sodium, carbs, sugar....drink more fluids (water)

    Adults are too big to measure weight fluctuation in ounces. Babies weight gain/loss is done in ounces cause they're so small. If you haven't had a bm recently, you'll "gain weight" according to the scale....if you have consumed high sodium, you're body may retain water.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that your Mom is in the hospital and hope she is feeling better soon.

    However, I went much farther back in your diary than last week and you rather consistently eat fast food, you only log intermittently, your sodium is often above 4000mgs, etc.

    I see that you joined in January, so I'm rather surprised that your eating habits are so atrocious this far down the line. In 3 months you could have made some changes.

    Yes, you need to prepare more foods at home. This will help with the sodium if you don't just switch to buying stuff you heat up out of a box, bag or can.

    Since your eating plan really needs a complete and total overhaul, I'd advise trying to change one or two things per week and building from there.

    For example, maybe focus on preparing more food at home and getting ANY fruits or veggies into your diet for one week.

    Continue those the next week, but then try to cut out processed foods (anything that comes out of a box, bag or can) from at least one meal per day. Then shoot for getting them out of at least two meals a day. Etc., etc.

    If you try to change everything at once, you'll be overwhelmed and discouraged. Just build a new habit or two each week and you'll start meeting your goals pretty quickly!
  • WomanofWorth
    WomanofWorth Posts: 395 Member
    >>>>Research "eating clean". Search it on topics in this forum, google it. Really think about it.

    Check out

    There are great resources there. I would also recommend weekend cooking to help with meal prep for the week. Bake up some eggs, chicken, grains, etc and then portion them out for ease of preparation. Make up a double batch of pancakes and have some for a meal and then cook up the rest, let them cool and bag a couple per pkg and stick them in the fridge. Buy fruits and veggies, cut them up when you get them home and portion them out.
  • WomanofWorth
    WomanofWorth Posts: 395 Member
    Thanks for all the advice. I don't normally eat as much fast food...last week was rough with my mom in the hospital. I have noticed that I have a lot of trouble keeping my sodium down, even if I don't eat fast food so that is definitely something I am going to work on this week. I'm also going to go with fast food this week all together, and try to avoid pop as much as possible (although sometimes I need the caffeine).

    One of my biggest problems is eating all my exercise calories back..I feel like when I do that working out was pointless. I definitely am going to change up my workouts this week as well. Lots to try this week, hoping I'll see more results!! Thanks all for the help!

    You will find that the more processed the food, fast food or not, the higher the sodium and sugars. Sugars will also make you retain water. You need to look at the nutrients in foods - replace the crap fat with healthy oils and fats (olive, safflower, grapeseed oils, avacado, walnuts, almonds, etc), no white sugars or added salt and sugars, etc. There's no award for eating poorly and losing the weight because you will only end up with health issues down the road. This is about lifestyle change, not a diet. Diet implies an expiration date. REMEMBER: You can't out-exercise bad nutrition.