Tips for Skinny Fat Syndrome



  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    Trying to Create a Calorie Deficit Through Exercise?
    The biggest mistake I see is that people are trying to create a calorie deficit through exercise. If you want to lose body fat, you want to create a calorie deficit through diet and burn additional calories with exercise. Make sure you are in calorie deficit even when taking away the calories burned with exercise. *If you take away any tip from this article, this would be the most important piece of advice*
    This confuses me. Does he mean that I should not eat back exercise calories?

    Pretty much. If your maintenance is 1700 and you are eating 1200 he is saying no matter what you shouldn't eat 1700, even if you burn 500 plus. I'm not sure what his reasoning is, except in another article he talked about cardio as an excuse to eat more. Is it bad because people overestimate calories burned and underestimate calories eaten? Not sure.

    I do tend to think if you are eating your bmr you are not going to go into starvation mode even if you exercise.

    Best part of the article!
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I am basically at my goal weight (four pounds to go - and I think +/- five pounds is a fine range for a "goal" weight). I am pretty happy with my body, but I want to be strong. I want definition in my arms (which have always been my "problem" area) and abs. My husband and I are working with a boxing trainer who has us lifting weights and punching the heavy bag. I've already noticed a difference in my arms and it's only been a few weeks.

    I don't want to be skinny or thin. I want to be fit. I want to be a sweet little lady who can knock a heavyweight out.