Giving up hope

I have been doing this on (MFP) pretty steady for at least five months; mostly because I try to gain knowledge through the message board. I have always been "overweight" and now closing in on 40. I have had every blood test known to man done on me (at least that's what I was told) and everything comes back "normal". I even printed off one month of the food and exercise logs from this site and was told it's normal to gain 5 pounds or more per year. :noway: When I looked dumb-founded/angry and questioned why she wasn't obese she didn't have an answer. Then she put me on a low dose of synthroid to take once per morning and I haven't noticed any change with my energy level or weight and it's been one month already. I quit drinking pop 2 1/2 weeks ago; even though it was Diet Coke and only a few a day because someone else said that might help; that hasn't made any difference. I do notice that my food diary proves that I take in a lot of sodium because I added that column to show up. I drink lots of water so someone said it's water weight ~ don't you eventually lose water weight? The sodium can't turn it to fat right?? I do cardio of some kind at least 3 times per week; usually 4 and do some sort of weight each time I workout for a little bit. I work FT and have 2 kids at home so even when I get home and would love to take a nap,...there is laundry, housework, yardwork, etc. So as you can see I am totally sick of trying to lose weight, trying to figure out why I can't lose weight but can gain it no problem and I know it's not muscle I'm gaining because my clothes are tight all the time:sad: Any advice???????


  • CBV2
    CBV2 Posts: 8
    I have been doing this on (MFP) pretty steady for at least five months; mostly because I try to gain knowledge through the message board. I have always been "overweight" and now closing in on 40. I have had every blood test known to man done on me (at least that's what I was told) and everything comes back "normal". I even printed off one month of the food and exercise logs from this site and was told it's normal to gain 5 pounds or more per year. :noway: When I looked dumb-founded/angry and questioned why she wasn't obese she didn't have an answer. Then she put me on a low dose of synthroid to take once per morning and I haven't noticed any change with my energy level or weight and it's been one month already. I quit drinking pop 2 1/2 weeks ago; even though it was Diet Coke and only a few a day because someone else said that might help; that hasn't made any difference. I do notice that my food diary proves that I take in a lot of sodium because I added that column to show up. I drink lots of water so someone said it's water weight ~ don't you eventually lose water weight? The sodium can't turn it to fat right?? I do cardio of some kind at least 3 times per week; usually 4 and do some sort of weight each time I workout for a little bit. I work FT and have 2 kids at home so even when I get home and would love to take a nap,...there is laundry, housework, yardwork, etc. So as you can see I am totally sick of trying to lose weight, trying to figure out why I can't lose weight but can gain it no problem and I know it's not muscle I'm gaining because my clothes are tight all the time:sad: Any advice???????
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    Ahhh sweetie. I'm so sorry - this journey seems to be an especially difficult one for you!!

    Have you tried cutting back on the sodium? Do you eat a lot of processed foods/fast food? Are you getting enough sleep at night? Do you eat your exercise calories? Hmmmm. What else can I ask. . . . are you struggling with depression? Do you have a lot of stress to deal with?

    All of this stuff can affect your weight loss. Maybe we can tweak something to help you. I know I've been under a huge amount of stress this summer - since March - and haven't been able to lose weight. It's finally easing though and I should be posting losses as of next Friday - not tomorrow.
    What exercises do you do and how many calories do you eat and what kind of food? Lots of questions - but hopefully something will spark and there will be an answer that will help you.

    Don't give up!! We're here to help you and will do the best we can! At least you haven't spent the last several months gaining weight :happy:
  • klarson
    klarson Posts: 43 Member
    DON'T give up!

    tracking your measurements instead of your weight
    add some weight training or change your exercise routine
    change the foods you are eating
    Try to stick to your allotted carbs/sodium/fat intake

    Just DON'T give up! Even if you don't see the # on the scale going down AT LEAST you are making positive changes in your life that will make you healthier in the long run!

    Celebrate the positive changes you are making!
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Question, have you tried wearing a Heart Rate Monitor for a full day to see what you're actual calories per day are? Sometimes even if your blood work is normal, you can still have a "sluggish" metabolism. If that's the case, then the numbers on MFP could be off by as much as a few hundred calories.
  • mlillie
    mlillie Posts: 302
    Awww- I am so sorry and I feel you. I wrote a similar post this morning with the same sad face.

    I have decided to put up my plan onto paper and give myself stickers or something and then a reward when I reach a goal. Since the scale and I are not friendly right now with each other- I am starting to track my progress. Some may say I "only" have 10 lbs to loose but it feels just as crappy when you try and try.

    I would try to bump up your cardio to 4 times a week- 45 min. If you have the ability to get a heart rate monitor I really found mine helpful and it tells you exactly the calories I am burning. As far as your strength- starting with just one exercise per body part and tracking your progress may be helpful for you. That is what I have decided to do to help me.

    I am NOT trying to seem like an expert (quite the contrary) but giving up totally is gonna make you feel real crappy- you have come this far- Joined, started, and this is just a tough patch. Hang in there and focus on your exercise goals- feel free to post them here and get some feedback and cheers for your successes along the way!!!
  • tamifanny
    tamifanny Posts: 113
    I feel your pain &I feel the same way these days...The only suggestion I have the would work for me but don't want to do it because I can't handle it & it really does the south beach or atkins program. I could loose a pound a day on those protein diets. I'm however loving my carbs to much. :heart: