Kettle bells vs. Free/Hand Weights


I do a 45 minute free/hand weight routine, but I see kettle bells at the gym, magazines, etc. I would like to try them. Curious


  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    I just started using kettlebells with a DVD called Kettlebell Bombshell and I like it a lot. The moves are very different than using hand weights.
  • zacherybinx
    zacherybinx Posts: 215 Member
    I think kettle-balls in general usually incorporate more core based movements so although you can still get awesome arm workouts in you're going to be doing a lot more twisting and up/down movements that work your core quite a bit more then say just doing a standard curl or whatever it may be with weights.

    Either way mixing in stability ball/kettle-ball/medicine balls every now and then with weights is a good thing to confuse your body and just to in general try something new that you may potentially like more.
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Using kettlebells helps to emphasize your core because they swing freely so when you're working out you have to use that core. I personally use both - kettlebells when I want a different workout and free weights the rest of the time. Free weights are great to strengthen specific areas without the core focus.
  • Diana061
    Diana061 Posts: 118 Member
    I bought Kettle bells I love them !!!!
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    I did an all kettlbell routine for a while and here's what I think. As a workout on it's own, it burns a tons of calories. Would I do kettelbells excuslively again? No. I think it's a good change in workout and a great way to mix things up. However, I wouldn't solely rely on them or any one routine for all my workouts.
  • jcb2kds
    jcb2kds Posts: 40
    I've been using kettlebells for about 4 months and I love them! They are a great full body workout. I love that you have to use your core for every move and it's like doing cardio and strength training at the same time. It burns LOTS of calories in a short amount of time as well. I use kettlebells 4-6 days a week, but also incorporate other workouts. Right now I'm doing kettlebells plus Jillian Michaels' Ripped in 30 Days. I have several DVDs that I use, but my favs are the videos from Lauren Brooks. She's certified and shows you how to do the moves correctly before diving into the workout. Most of the other DVDs I have (Jillian Michaels, Danskin, etc.) do not show you how to use proper form OR do not use proper form themselves. Hope this helps!
  • silvergirl24
    silvergirl24 Posts: 12 Member
    For those who use kettle bells, what weight do you use? Do you have a recommendation for someone starting out?
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    Thank you!!!

    I looked up some videos on Youtube. I think I might incorporate them into my routines.
  • zacherybinx
    zacherybinx Posts: 215 Member
    I'd get the lightest because you can always just do single arm stuff and/or work your way up from there rather then getting something too heavy and then being discouraged. I'd suggest just going to any gym or sporting goods store and trying them out to see how they feel weight wise.
  • silvergirl24
    silvergirl24 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks - I know where I can get them and think this is a good switch up in exercise when things start to get too routine. I will be needing something to add to my rotation so I think this will be fine. Just have to make the floor space though so I don't bash in the television with the kettlebell.

    Can anyone recommend a favorite kettlebell dvd?
  • brianlocal3
    brianlocal3 Posts: 33 Member
    according to pavel T (dont know how to spell his last name) the avg woman should start with about a 15lb kettle bell. Now that is if you will be doing a true KB workout. It is completely different then what we in the Western world know of as a work out. To use a cliche term, it is all about "functional fitness". You are not going to look like a body builder with a KB, but what it does focus on is cardiovascular health, flexibility, explosive power and core strength. It is the key to russian military fitness as calistinics are to the United States Military.
    KB workouts are absolutly amazing, and true KB users never really look impresive compared to a cover model on Mens Health but to put their functional strength to the test, and there is no comparison a KB user will smoke a traditional weightlifter in speed, stamina and OVERALL fitness. Their hand strength alone is enough to make you cry.
    KB's will not make you big, but it will tighten up your entire body and make everyday life easier. I love KB's. I have recently gotten into learning the advantages to a good band workout too. I have let my-self go a little since having children but will be doing a real world test on bands and muscle growth, but my KB's will always be there for pure fitness. I hope this helps.
    also, go to alot of great infromation.
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    I use KettleWorx and I love it! I started with a 5lb KB because I have back and knee issues. I upped it to 7 lbs. in January and I just moved up to 10 lbs. two weeks ago. I have really seen a difference in my muscle tone and it has not been very difficult for me.
  • kadye
    kadye Posts: 136 Member
    I've been using kettlebells for about 4 months and I love them! They are a great full body workout. I love that you have to use your core for every move and it's like doing cardio and strength training at the same time. It burns LOTS of calories in a short amount of time as well. I use kettlebells 4-6 days a week, but also incorporate other workouts. Right now I'm doing kettlebells plus Jillian Michaels' Ripped in 30 Days. I have several DVDs that I use, but my favs are the videos from Lauren Brooks. She's certified and shows you how to do the moves correctly before diving into the workout. Most of the other DVDs I have (Jillian Michaels, Danskin, etc.) do not show you how to use proper form OR do not use proper form themselves. Hope this helps!

    Yes. Lauren Brooks is amazing. She has a ton of you tube videos showing you proper form. With kettlebells you really have to be sure you have good form or you'll hurt yourself. Please don't even look at Jillian Michaels swinging a kettlebell unless it's to see what NOT to do.