Kettlebell Workouts

poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
Here's a little about my background. I lost 90 lbs and I got to where I could bench 125 lbs. I move a lot of weight. I'm currently 7 months pregnant and I've scaled back my bench to 80 lbs and am focusing on just maintaining what I've got until after I have the baby. I still work out with a lot of weight though, for legs, biceps, triceps, etc. Well I started using kettlebells and I LOVE the workout. I've been using a 10 lb weight and it seems challenging enough but I feel like I'm going to quickly outgrow that. At any rate, I want to use the kettlebells after I have the baby, while I'm at home. So I have 2 questions:

1. Who has a good DVD that's will give me a good workout, with increasing time intervals. I'd like to have something which I can use to have like a 20 minute interval as I increase my weight and then to increase my time.

2. What weight kettlebells should I order? I'm thinking 10 lb and 15 lb but I'm not sure. I don't want to kill myself on the kettlebells but the 10 lb's seem pretty easy to me. Maybe 15 lb and 20 lb?
