New to the site and ready to lose baby weight!

:smile: Hi, I'm a mom of two boys, 3 years and 9 months and I currently weigh 195. I would like to get down to 150 but I have poor self motivation, so I happened to come across this site, and it looks awesome! I'm very busy, travel a lot due to some family stuff going on right now, but I really want to lose the weight and have some support doing so. I wish that I could find someone that lives close to my area so we can do it together. I used to be a dancer when I was younger so I can honestly say I really don't like my "mommy body" but it did give me 2 beautiful children. I just want to be healthy and fit into decent clothes and feel good about myself. I'm new to this, so I'm not real sure how all of this works. It'll take some time for me to figure it all out. LOL


  • ClarkMer
    ClarkMer Posts: 206 Member
    You are definately in the right place! I have two boys also, ages 4 yrs and 1 yr. Good luck, I'm sending a friend request :)
  • JulieCLopez
    I'm with ya!! I have three kids: 8 years, 5 years, and 14 months. I am currently at 186, and my goal is 150. I am motivated, but don't always have time. I am in college, and spend a lot of time sitting at the computer doing homework. I recently began going to the gym regularly, and am hopeful that I will finally lose my baby weight!! Good luck to you!!
  • aprildarby
    I'm with ya!! I have three kids: 8 years, 5 years, and 14 months. I am currently at 186, and my goal is 150. I am motivated, but don't always have time. I am in college, and spend a lot of time sitting at the computer doing homework. I recently began going to the gym regularly, and am hopeful that I will finally lose my baby weight!! Good luck to you!!

    Thanks, I have a gym membership I just don't know what all I should do to meet my goal. I've had the membership for months. I was doing Zumba tue-thur but all this family stuff happened and i had to stop going for a little while. I am hoping to pick back up next week. Lord willin and the creek don't rise. lol
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    This site is great for that. I have a 4 year old and just had my second baby in febuary. =] Feel free to friend me if you'd like!