I dont get it!

:blushing: :blushing: Can anyone explain to me as if I am a child (without sarcasm please) how it is that you gain one pound? I dont understand it. Something about if you eat over 3000 calories or something! ugh I know I sound stupid but I have to know. thank you :blushing: :blushing:


  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Well, every day, even if you don't get any exercise, your body burns a certain number of calories. Things like walking to the loo, sitting upright, digesting your food, thinking, healing cuts and bruises, pretty much everything your body does uses a few calories.

    So, if you want to stay the same weight, you have to figure out how many calories that is, and eat that much. This site will work it out roughly for you, using information like your age, weight, height, gender etc.

    If you want to put on 1lb in weight, you have to eat a total of 3,500 calories more than your body needs. So if you ate 500 extra calories a day more than you need, after a week (7 days x 500 calories = 3,500 calories) you will be a pound heavier.

    If you want to lose 1lb in weight, you have to eat a total of 3,500 calories less than your body needs. 500 calories a day less than you need, and you'll lose a pound a week. 250 calories a day less than you need and you'll lose a pound in two weeks.

    It does not matter how long it takes to eat those extra calories, once you've eaten 3,500 more than you need you'll be a pound fatter.

    That is the theory, in practice there are a few other things that make a difference, but as long as you're not doing odd things (et eating all your calories in Monday and nothing on Tuesday) the 3,500 calorie thing is about right.

    I do hope that makes sense, if not tell me which bit you got stuck on and I'll have another go! :)