Big Eat Day to Jumpstart Metabolism?



  • hexaloner
    I've only been on MFP since January, trying to re-establish my way of looking at and consuming food, and till this moment I had never heard of "binge-days" or "spike-days", but I know I've had them and I know they work! Every time... I didn't know there was a term for them. About 3-5 days a month, when visiting someone I don't want to be a social stick-in-the-mud, so I eat what they prepare and I go way over my calorie limit... Last week I had a day with DOUBLE my calories... Next weekly weigh-in, again 2 pounds down...

    Actually, diet-coach Mike Leary says to have one cheat-day a week even...

    Stay motivated and out of depression by not being too strict with yourself, yet controlled in your "treats" ever so often. Enjoying your way of eating is paramount!
  • jencastaneda
    My father had to do something similar to get his metabolism moving. He weighed a good 350, and at 5'9" that's not good. His nutritionist had him first start off by consuming no more then 850 calories a day for 3 or four days, then 1000. Of course after a week he was going crazy and hungry. That's when he got to eat as much as he want for a day or two then the cycle had to repeat one more time before he finally set at a 1800 caloric maximum with minimum of 30minutes of exercise. He lost almost 10lbs or so the first month. It works, when used sparingly. Sadly he's off that diet and is back over 350lbs :/
  • bound4beauty
    bound4beauty Posts: 274 Member
    Do a Google search on refeeds and you'll find a lot of articles. They aren't as necessary for people with a lot of weight still to lose but they do help when done correctly.. You can also research Leptin to find out more about this hormone and how it is effected by refeeds.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    I use jumper cables
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I use jumper cables

    What do you attach them to? :devil:

    OP, I do it at least once a week and it has never hindered me. I would venture far enough to say it helps.
  • Red_Sparrow
    Not a myth. Lots of popular nutritionists online recommend it. You don't want to "binge", though.

    On my refeed day, I'll eat between 400-700 extra calories, depending on how the nutrition for the rest of my week up to that point has looked like. I also do a heavy lift day on my cheat day.

    My husband eats a hell of a lot more, though. He religiously goes through a box of ice cream every week. So unfair that he can pull that off!

    I do still try to estimate calories (it's hard when eating out, I know!) just so that I stay mindful of what I'm eating. It took me a couple months to figure out what my calorie surplus could be on that day.