Long day - food help!

Hi all - I wanted to ask all of you out there how you handle long days. (And I mean LONG...I'll be away from the house for 14 hours with work and rehearsals and the next few weeks will be 16-18 hour days. At least they are long for me!) I don't want to eat out, and the one thing MFP has made me realize is how much I reach for the office candy bowl! I try to bring healthy snacks - string cheese, apples, etc. - but I feel that I am ALWAYS hungry. I am a snacker and love nuts, etc. Any tips, tricks, recipes, etc. that you have found that can help out? Is 1200 cals too low when you are awake for 19+ hours? Trying to get in a workout will be challenging, but I'll do it!!


  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    I pack a recycled cute bag full of snacks. Apple slices with crackers and laughing cow cheese. Instant oatmeal with a bowl and some strawberries will tide your tummy over for quite some time. Some lean deli turkey slices by itself. You can have like 8 slices with litte calories and very low fat. low fat cottage cheese packs. Hardboiled egg with the protein will keep you full. Also things like cucumbers to snack on with salt and lemon. Or a good low salt peanut butter with no sugar added boysenberry jam sandwich will also help. Just pack like you are going camping! That way you have choices. It's like your own personal healthy vending machine. I work as a waitress at a bowling alley. I've got temptations all around me. But I pack in every day a full load of snacks. I bring some home some days and others I eat it all up.
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    I keep slimfast, yogurt and cottage cheese in the fridge at work as well as protein bars (Clif bars for workout days, slim fast and Kellogs 100 calorie bars for when I need a chocolate fix), almonds, and fruit cups. I eat something about every two hours so that I don't get too hungry and I know there is always a snack coming up. Good luck.
  • katihamlin
    I'm a musician too and I've found that my bag is always packed with snacks to keep me going through-out the day. My favorite thing to do is grab those Go-gurts (they make them without corn syrup now called Simply Go-gurt) and freeze them; I grab one before I head out and by lunch it's thawed and ready to eat.

    Snack mix is also really good because you can munch until you're full and toss it back in your bag. Pretzels, raisins, crasins (yum!) and other dried fruit are awesome too. I really like the reduced fat Gardettos (in moderation, Granola bars (so packable) and they make these little applesauce pouches called Go go Squeez Applesauce on the Go (Walmart?). 100 calorie packs are safe and you don't have to deprive yourself of things you like, plus lots of brands are coming out with them now. You need a little bit of chocolate in your life :)

    I'm sure I use a ton more but I'm not sitting in front of my cupboard right now. Hope this helps!