I'm back

Hey everyone,
I'm back. It has been a crazy summer, and unfortunately my weight shows it:frown: . I'm back now and hope to get back on track, I have a new obstacle now. My new baby is not so new, and he is crawling everywhere, i can't leave him for a second, or he'll be gone. He doesn't like sitting in his walker so i can workout, and putting him in his playpen or crib is a national disaster:laugh: So if anyone has any ideas let me know. The older kids are willing to watch him, but school starts soon so i can't count on them. Hope everyone is having a wonderful successfull day.


  • nurseredtx
    Hey everyone,
    I'm back. It has been a crazy summer, and unfortunately my weight shows it:frown: . I'm back now and hope to get back on track, I have a new obstacle now. My new baby is not so new, and he is crawling everywhere, i can't leave him for a second, or he'll be gone. He doesn't like sitting in his walker so i can workout, and putting him in his playpen or crib is a national disaster:laugh: So if anyone has any ideas let me know. The older kids are willing to watch him, but school starts soon so i can't count on them. Hope everyone is having a wonderful successfull day.
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    aw welcome back hon!!!

    will he sit in the carriage or stroller for walks? buying a jogger for my 1 yr old many moons ago was the best darn investment I ever made...he still fits in it and is 7 LOL..he's a peanut! 48 lbs...and its much easier to maneuver and even run w/.....

    the weather is still gonna be nice for a long time and even if it gets cold bundle the baby up and get out and get some fresh air...you'll both love it!

    hugs and best of luck girl!
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Welcome back.
    I just got back myself!!!
    I don't have any suggestions as my kids haven't been babies for a long long time but I'm sure you'll figure it out!!!!

  • searls717
    Hey everyone,
    I'm back. It has been a crazy summer, and unfortunately my weight shows it:frown: . I'm back now and hope to get back on track, I have a new obstacle now. My new baby is not so new, and he is crawling everywhere, i can't leave him for a second, or he'll be gone. He doesn't like sitting in his walker so i can workout, and putting him in his playpen or crib is a national disaster:laugh: So if anyone has any ideas let me know. The older kids are willing to watch him, but school starts soon so i can't count on them. Hope everyone is having a wonderful successfull day.

    I was able to get my kids to go into a johnny jumper (google it if you don't know what it is) and they would stay in there for hours if I let them. You just hook it up in a door and they bounce, bounce, bounce. That was absolutely the BEST investment I every made (well okay that my mom made for me since it was a gift from her). :wink:
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    welcome back!!!
  • Ezzie
    Ezzie Posts: 665 Member
    Welcome back!
    When my 'little' ones were tiny I had both a back pack and a front pack (real little!) they loved that, close to mama and on the move! We also live on a dirt road, no sidewalks so walking was the only way to go. Seems we all enjoyed it.

    So why not walk with them in a pack?Probably cheaper that stroller etc. Even resorted to the front pack sometimes to do housework if they just didn't want to be left alone.

    Just think the heavier they get the more workout Mom gets...bonus calories, yeah!!!

    BTW....that was a while back, sons are 31 and 27.....
  • nurseredtx
    Hey thanks for the suggestion, I'm not crazy about walking. I have some issues with my legs which makes it painful at times, but getting out of the house and in the sun makes it so worth it. I went and got a friend of mines stroller just to see if he would be still long enough for us to go walking and amazingly the boy who is never still, was. i couldn't believe, i just new that he would be trying to crawl out of it or bouncing or anything but being still. But he was, i guess he liked getting out of the house two.
    right now i can't walk as far, as i like. I will work up to it, the doctor has said just to build my legs up to it and now push to hard and i should be fine.
    Thanks again