For Women Only - Advice/Need Support



  • lisa35120
    lisa35120 Posts: 230 Member
    If you need chocolate fat free jello pudding or fudgesicles works for me! Also I've found that I can't have very much caffeine at all (anything more than chocolate or maybe a coke will get to me) during TOM because I get SO jittery and nervous.. normally I can handle caffeine but not then!!

    Exercise does help too.. but I find it really hard to exercise the week before, because I get tired so much quicker and get discouraged. I have NO stamina at that time and give up way too easily. :( But this month I'm going to try to really push & we'll see what happens.
  • gratenni1
    gratenni1 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi there
    I know exactly what you go thru. It was happening to me all the time. When i joined this web site i told mysel that i was going to stick to the calorie count no matter what. I let my friends all view my menu or diary daily. If i have to have have something sweet i have a luna bar. That satifies me. What will satify you. It has to have protein and fiber. low sugar. Do not eat empty calories. We want a happy healthy body. I am giving myself no goal. I want to lose this weight and be healthy.