Is it just me, or does Jillian drive any of you CRAZY too?



  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    Agreed. I'm not a fan of Jillian.

    Lol!!!! I do the same thing....I don't want to hear her mouth for 30 days straight...
  • I want to add my opinionated thoughts on the Biggest Loser too. LOL. I dont' get to watch it much, because I am too busy to watch any show every week(except AI), no one else here wants to watch that, and like I said, I watch AI. But I think the show is totally unrealistic for most of us here at home watching. If I lost that much weight that fast, I would have extra skin, and no way to be able to pay for the surgery to fix it. Nor would I want surgery. I will be happy with a 2 pound or less weight loss each week, and have a better chance of my skin snapping back somewhat.

    I agree. I feel like a lot of those people come out of that show with way more extra skin than they probably could have had if they had been more gradual about their weight loss. I'm sure everything is done super healthy because there are probably hundreds of Doctor's on set, but I think it sets unrealistic standards for the viewers at home.
  • smota
    smota Posts: 62
    Whenever i do the 30 day shred, I mute her & put my own music on. her voice is so so annoying.

    Ahaha! I do EXACTLY the same! Can't really stand her voice and the empowering/motivational bull**** she preaches. Anyway, it does work for me, so I'll just keep her jumpin' around to loud cracking drum&bass ;D
  • michelletyler38
    michelletyler38 Posts: 469 Member
    I'm in love with her!
  • BabyDuchess
    BabyDuchess Posts: 353 Member
    I don't like when she tries to get all "therapist" with the people. All soft spoken. So fake

    Agreed! :flowerforyou:
  • smota
    smota Posts: 62
    Am I the only one that thinks she's a man?

    Ahahaah! Well spotted ;)
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I like Jillian because she terrifies me into getting in shape. When she tells me I need to be gurgling my heart, I do it because I'm afraid she's going to jump out of the TV and choke me. Her videos are always intense and they work my butt! I get what you mean though...she's a tad on the crazy side.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    She's a bad actor....too dramatic. Something about her face I don't like. I can't pinpoint what it is so the whole time I see her all I do is try to figure out whats not quite right.

    I thought she looked too manly lol
  • erikblock
    erikblock Posts: 230 Member
    I find LOTS of people annoying--heck, MOST people--but Jillian doesn't really bother me.
  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    whew! I'm glad it's not just me. And for those of you who let her motivate you, fantastic! And there is not an ounce of sarcasm in that statement. I really mean it.

    No hatred intended. I just can't stand seeing her face every stinkin' time I log it. I'd rather look at the terminix ads. And I wondered if I was the only one!
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    I like the fact that she calls BS on laziness. Hate the fact that she said she didn't want to ruin her body having children. She laughs during her shred video in a way that makes me feel as if she's making fun of her customers (me!). And then...well...

  • WeCallThemDayWalkers
    WeCallThemDayWalkers Posts: 259 Member
    I like her! Granted, I've only done her beginner DVDs so...maybe 30 Day Shred will change my mind ;)

    I like that you can tell in the beginner DVDs that she really likes the people she trained. It may come off as annoying sometimes, but then again, watch any single person interact with another at the mall and in short order you will pinpoint something annoying about that person.
  • 3aBadkids
    3aBadkids Posts: 78
    "Isn't it Buddy???" Ew she annoys me! She does kick my butt though


    JM is ok...I got used to her when I did her 30DS for a little bit. To me, she's not as annoying as Natalie with her fake evil smile throughout the entire workout!!! UGH...
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    I don't like that she has used all those people ( and the show ) to turn herself into a "brand." I think it's unethical and even dishonest, promoting her SELF when she is in the business of helping other people.

    Otherwise, I actually do like her :smile:
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    I cannot stand her. I can't abide her even enough to take advantage of her expertise as a trainer. There are plenty of other workouts in the world; I can deal without her lol.
  • ccckwalk
    ccckwalk Posts: 262
    I love, love Jillian. I find 30 day shred a little more on her annoying side, but I love her in her other workouts. No More Trouble Zones, Boost Metabolism and Burn Fat and 6 week 6 pack. I love her motivation has to come from inside thing. It is totally the truth even if it is annoying to hear! I am a big fan and Jillian! :)
  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    o.k. I did some more research and found she got certifications that you can get in one weekend. They are the kind of certifications almost anyone can get. She said she worked as a physical therapy aid, but there is absolutely nothing on her web site that explains where she got her education other than she's been training since she was 17. Now I ask you, who hires a 17 year old trainer? And from what I have read, and the little I've seen many trainers agree her form teaching is not the best, for as "expert' as some consider her to be.

    Well, she's an inspiration (to some). And she knows how to market herself. And she helps pay for this site we use. I guess I owe her some gratitude for that.............but ugh.

    it's too bad that a truly great trainer, that really IS an expert, like some that I have worked with didn't figure out how to make it big time. Ah well, my hat off to you Jillian for taking the place of the annoying Denise Austin.
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    She is my favorite but yes she can be very annoying and her little pep talks and jokes get worse on each repeat! But I did a Jackie Warner DVD today and found her even worse! Maybe just because I've gotten used to Jillian and have gotten results. Really cant think of any that aren't annoying
  • I don't watch The Biggest Loser, but I have 30 Day Shred and it was a really good workout. Jillian really, really annoys me, though. I've switched to Denise Austin for the time being (who's also annoying in her own ways, but not as bad as Jillian, imo). I'm thinking about switching back to 30 Day Shred for a couple of weeks.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I CANNOT stand this woman. She was giving advice to a couple after having a miscarriage as if she was a trained professional. She totally exploited this poor woman and her husband after losing their baby . Makes me sick.
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