Kiwi gal loves this App!

nursekj Posts: 100 Member
Hi All

I have been using Myfitness pal for 3 weeks now and have lost 2 kilos. The main reason I started was to accurately document my diet electronically for tracking any triggers of my crohns disease. A year ago I weighed 65kg now 80 ish due to months of steroids to control my illness, that and everyone trying to feed me led to bad habits after being so ill in hospital.

Now with this tool I have the impetus to go hard on my exercycle at end of day to burn off excess calories and stop eating rubbish. Goal weight 65kg by New years eve this year (my 29th).

good luck Everyone


  • NZhogiebear

    Beryl from NZ as well, love MFP, good luck with your journey and illness and congrats on your weight loss!!! I still have 20 odd to go but have a real boost from what i have achieved on here.
    Feel free to add me if you would like, happy to encourage you!! :):)
  • nursekj
    nursekj Posts: 100 Member
    Hi Beryl congrats on your weightloss sounds like you've got great willpower? Lol I badly need some too so hoping mfp will help. Thanks for your encouragement, I'm karlee by the way live up northland by a sunny beach so no excuses for not walking aye ! Ciao