Allergy Shots / Medicine causing weight gain?!

Hi Everyone,
I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing difficulties losing weight and/or is gaining weight due to allergy medications (Zyrtec is what I take) or allergy shots??
After researching it a bit, I think this may be the culprit behind my few pounds (about 5) of weight gain in these past few months. It's not fun at all!! :sad: I probably eat better now than I did a few months ago, and I exercise 4-5 days a week, so I don't think the weight gain is due to a lifestyle change.
Any input? Have you had a similar experience? If so, what did you do? I'm going to contact my allergist tomorrow- just thought I'd get your input too!
Thanks! :wink:


  • ssv45
    ssv45 Posts: 3
    I noticed the same thing after adding Zyrtec. It's been about a month and the couple pounds I felt like I gained has been lost again. I"m glad it's gone, but it feels like I've wasted a month. The improvement in my quality of life that the drug brings has been signifigant, so I'm willing to see if I can continue to lose while I take it. I'm hoping it's like the fatigue side affect that has improved the longer I've taken it. I would be curious what your allergist says about it.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    The shots should have no influence whatsoever.

    The anithistamine 'might' have some minimal effect as antihistamines are all CNS depressants. I got shots for 25 years (yes, that's way too long but they didn't know that back then) and have been on antihistamines daily my entire life. So I don't think you can blame this on the antihistamine.

    I honestly doubt it's the Zyrtec, although I am too sleepy on Zyrtec to use it. Maybe try a different antihistamine if you're finding Zyrtec causes drowsiness.
  • megan518
    megan518 Posts: 8 Member
    It may not be the shots, but I definitely think the Zyrtec is doing something to my body. Starting today, I'm going to get off of it and see how I do! Thanks for the responses. I'll let you know what the allergist has to say...