Sugar Cravings

Started on April 16th. Doing well but cant stand these sugar cravings. Comes in waves. 3 days on 2 days off. Any suggestions to curb? I am on a low carb/low sugar program. Sometimes its so intense I could break something. How do I stay strong?


  • searbear1980
    I chew Extra gum. Or Eat a low fat yogurt. My new favorite is some cool whip and Strawberries. I gave Candy up almost 4 months ago and those are the things that have helped the most. Hope that helps. :-)
  • MzChiz
    MzChiz Posts: 70 Member
    I chew Extra gum. Or Eat a low fat yogurt. My new favorite is some cool whip and Strawberries. I gave Candy up almost 4 months ago and those are the things that have helped the most. Hope that helps. :-)

    Yep gum, yogurt and sugar free pudding helped me!
  • tmontgomery69
    You might try "balancing" your meals/snacks with carbs & protein. Sugar cravings could be from not enough protein or too many carbs/sugar.

    I have not eaten sweets/candy in over a month. Once I stopped eating it I don't crave it at all. :smile:

    If you like yogurt, you might try Chobani greek yogurt, they're sweet but have 14g of protein per 6oz container!
  • TheDom
    TheDom Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks All - I will try the gum.
    Unfortunately no dairy for me.