What was your "rock bottom"?

What was the last straw for you?

For me, it was about six months ago. I got on an elevator with a colleague and it started beeping and a red flashing light started. It took me a few seconds to realise what was going on and then it hit me that my WORST NIGHTMARE had come true -- I was too fat to ride in an elevator!!!

My colleague was really nice about it and said the elevator must be broken, etc., but as soon as I stepped out (and he stayed in), it stopped beeping and flashing. I wanted to die.

It turns out that the scale on the elevator WAS broken (and truly, there was no way that the two of us weighed more than 400 kg!), but that didn't matter because the damage was done. I made the decision there and then to do something about my weight and am finally doing something about it now.


I will never humiliate myself like that again. Ever.


  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    For me it was going bridesmaid dress shopping with my friends and trying on dresses in some botique shops and realising that I was a size UK 18 and that I was too big for the shop!! Simple thing but it totally set me off on my journey :)
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    Ironically, my rock bottom wasn't my heaviest. I was 265 in high school, but also a black belt so I was pretty happy. My bottom was after I went on a cruise for my girlfriend's 21st. I was down to about 200lb and feeling great. Even laid by the pool without my shirt on! When I came home I was 215 and felt like crap. We'd gotten sucked into some seaweed cleanse by the ship's gym which only made me balloon up to 230! I paid $900 for this "cleanse" that was supposed to go for three months. After the first month I got rid of it and swore I would never do that again. Then I went to the Doctor to ask for help and she just prescribed a bunch of meds to get the weight off. I dropped to about 188 but still felt like crap. That was the 2nd rock bottom. I just wanted to feel good! So a friend recommended Shakeology and P90X and I've been going strong ever since. Even down to about 181 now, but I feel amazing every day! :D
  • MrsRazor7
    MrsRazor7 Posts: 332 Member
    My husband had been deployed for 3 months, and I had gained close to 20 pounds in that time. I was at an all time high of 330, and that was 30 pounds more than I was when I was pregnant! I was miserable, uncomfortable and truly embarrassed. I keep that number in my head, and I am trying to get to 100 pounds lost by my 1 year anniversary. I still remember that feeling of seeing that number and remembering how it felt! It was horrible and I refuse to go back to that.
  • cafeteriagirl
    cafeteriagirl Posts: 267 Member
    For me it was realizing I had gained 80 lbs. since I was in high school and walking up the stairs made me pant for my last breath. I would come home from work exhausted and the really last straw was when our school was featured on the news and the camera was on me. I was devastated I looked pregnant. Still have about 50 to go to where I want to be but at least i feel tons better and fit into clothes i havent worn in about nine years.
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    My mother called me on Christmas day AND New year's day to tell me she's seen recent photos of me and she can't believe how different I look and I no longer look like the happy girl she once knew. Oh yeah, should probably mention she said no one will want to marry me if I stayed this fat. Not a nice thing to do but at least it got me off of my lazy butt to do something about it...
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    My rock bottom was a phone call from my doctor. I was around 255ish pounds, but about 10 pounds or so less than my heaviest. My husband and I have been having problems conceiving. And if anyone knows military doctors, it took us almost a full year to be seen for the problem. She started running the standard gauntlet of blood tests and ultrasounds on me. One day she called me at 6:30 pm (which freaked me out because hello... that's well after office hours.). She told me that I have PCOS and that due to family history she wanted to test me for diabetes. My mom died a little over a year ago due to heart problems from diabetic complications. I've lost almost 20 pounds since my first visit with her a couple of months ago. I'll find out all of the results in a couple of days when I go back. But that phone call was the kick in the *kitten* that I needed to get up off my lazy butt and actually lose the weight instead of just saying "i need to lose weight" and not really doing anything about it.
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    It was when I could not do everything I wanted to do in Scotland with my daughter. I don't want to watch from the sidelines.
  • mrjwood
    mrjwood Posts: 1
    I guess for me it was going up three trouser sizes in about 5 years. I noticed about a month ago that they were feeling tight again. Instead of just going out and buying bigger trousers I decided to do something about it!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
  • October1234
    start of october, getting weighed at the doctors and having a BMI of 24.5, not over weight, but too much for me, it was just what i needed to get my *kitten* in gear and get back to my normal weight of whta i was before i started university!
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    This is my EMBARRASING AWAKING. Well i had many, but my purest "rock bottom" was more recently like a month ago and i had just gotten engaged and back from an amazing cruise. I am currently in school for Massage Therapy and I was about to massage a client for the school clinic. I was finding it hard for me to keep myself up and walking. like me knees were giving out on me and my legs seemed like they were bowing. So i sat down on the comfy couch for literally 4 minutes. When it was time for me to stand up. i couldnt pop out and up like i used to.... i stuggled. i leaned side to side and rocked my self back and forwarth until i got the momentum to stand up straight and i was breathing heavy... HOW HUMILIATING! and if that wasnt worse enough, i couldnt get the lotion bottle holder strap to buckle around my waist. it was like a gained 300 pounds over night, i was so embarrased and actually humiliated to the point where i said, ENOUGH, no more bad food, im engaged now, i waanna look good for my wedding and for my new career as a sexy massage therapist (lol). So ever since then i have been exercising everyday and starting to see results (not weight loss yet). So that was my last straw and hopefully my last time having a last straw!!
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    My kick in the *kitten* was when my husaband told me he was leaving. I know he did not leave because of my weight. I just spent a lot of time going over decisions I had made in our relationship and came to realize how many of the bad ones that effected our marriage had to do with my insecurities. I also realized how much of my insecurity had to do with my weight. Now that we have separated, I need to be healthy for myself and my 4 kids.
  • Happy_endings
    I have 3 things that really caused me to feel like I hit rock bottom..

    1- I was a bridemaid at my sisters wedding in the end of November, The other 3 girls wore size 2,4,and 8. None of them really liked the dress and wanted tighter fitting dresses, but we had to get a flowy dress so I wouldn't look horrid in it. The day of the wedding I had to fake a smile all day knowing I was in the same dress as those beautiful women.

    2)- I was walking the streets after a Steeler game and someone "mooed" out the window at me while I was crossing the street. My friend that was with me just told me he was a drunk idiot and to ignore it. I was still on a high from a big win so I brushed it off, but never really forgot. This happened in January.

    3- My boss told me to button my labcoat all the way but I couldnt button the bottom 3 because my hips were too wide. It was very embarrassing when she asked if I wanted to special order a bigger size.. That was end of March, I started MFP April 4th.
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    Mine was probably just before I was diagnosed with depression and the only reason I even knew somethign was VERY wrong was that I lost 20 lbs in less than 2 mos... Once I got on meds and things started evening out I realised that even WITH 20lbs of weight loss, I was still at the heaviest that I ever remembered... And that it was 10 lbs more then I had been when I had been horrified a year earlier.... Made all the worse by the fact I had been a jock in my teens... NOT a pretty momement, but def one I have never forgoten....
  • ChrisR0128
    I have Always been "overwieght". But I quit smoking about a week before Christmas. To help curb my cravings I got hooked on hard candy. Two months later I was succcesful at stopping smoking, but felt bloated and miserable and tired all the time. It was either start smoking agian or do something about my weight. Thats when I stumbled upon MFP and joined the YMCA.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    This is my EMBARRASING AWAKING. Well i had many, but my purest "rock bottom" was more recently like a month ago and i had just gotten engaged and back from an amazing cruise. I am currently in school for Massage Therapy and I was about to massage a client for the school clinic. I was finding it hard for me to keep myself up and walking. like me knees were giving out on me and my legs seemed like they were bowing. So i sat down on the comfy couch for literally 4 minutes. When it was time for me to stand up. i couldnt pop out and up like i used to.... i stuggled. i leaned side to side and rocked my self back and forwarth until i got the momentum to stand up straight and i was breathing heavy... HOW HUMILIATING! and if that wasnt worse enough, i couldnt get the lotion bottle holder strap to buckle around my waist. it was like a gained 300 pounds over night, i was so embarrased and actually humiliated to the point where i said, ENOUGH, no more bad food, im engaged now, i waanna look good for my wedding and for my new career as a sexy massage therapist (lol). So ever since then i have been exercising everyday and starting to see results (not weight loss yet). So that was my last straw and hopefully my last time having a last straw!!

    {{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}} this brought a tear to my eye. I am so glad you have decided at 26 to change your lifestyle. and BTW? You ARE beautiful and sexy!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I stepped on the scale in early January and it said 210. I knew I had gained weight but never thought I would be over 200 lbs. I dug through pictures of me in high school. I was 135lbs, could run a 6 minute mile (was a competitive track runner), and had damn near 6 pack abs. I was horrified how disgusting my body had gotten. The woman in the mirror looked nothing like the girl in the pictures. Enough. Down 10 lbs sofar, and working out 3x a week (slowly pushing myself up to more). Not stopping till I hit 135 again.
  • Merihell
    Merihell Posts: 7
    About 2 years ago I was getting ready to be a bridesmaid for my sister's wedding and my mum was making the bridesmaids dresses. It had been a very stressful time in my life as i had just split up with my boyfriend and had to move out of our apartment to a small place on my own. My mum came down to see me for the day so we could try on mock dresses to get an idea for sizing. She had to take pictures of me so she could see where to take in and let out seams. I looked at the pictures and cried at how much i'd ballooned. To make matters worse my mum phoned me up a few days later to tell me i needed to lose weight because she wasn't going to have enough fabric to fit round me.

    I think i lost a little weight at that time, but nothing significant. I got back together with the boyfriend a few months later and it wasn't until we split again earlier this year that i started to feel good about myself. I took the opportunity then to start looking after myself instead of chasing about after someone else. Since the end of January I have lost a stone and that's with losing a bit of focus in between. I want to be able to enjoy this summer without feeling the need to cover up with big jumpers.

    I find dieting so much easier when i'm happy.
  • christydufrene78
    My rock bottom was yesterday, when my youngest daughter was sitting on the side of me while we were watching "heavy" and told me mom u can go on that show! I see you cry all the time. "You r just like that lady" "Mommy please go cause I dont want u to die" I was so overwelmed I could not say anything. I knew that I could not continue on living that way and I had to make some major changes in me mentally as well. I have high blood pressure and diabetes and refuse to continue on death row!!!! I AM KILLING MYSELF SLOWLY!