Thunder thighs!



  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    I have always had muscular thighs, even at my lightest. I trained and showed horses so much- there wasn't much choice! I've been asked if I was a dancer- apparently they can have muscular type thighs, too.

    I used to hate them, but now I embrace them. I am strong, I have curves, and I honestly wouldn't want skinny, weak legs. :D
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    I have bigger thighs and generally wear skinny jeans with longer shirts like tunics or longer cardigans and it makes your thighs look slimmer
  • dmkaiser83
    I don't really want super skinny thighs, I just want what I have to be toned again!!
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    Hi, Welcome to my world:cry:

    I was a dancer and a gymnast when I was young. My brothers affectionatly called me Earl Campbell legs, which if you know football meant my legs were very thick! I was not fat then and fairly toned, but I could never have put those thighs into skinny jeans, it was never meant to be.

    I got very heavy and have lost almost all the weight I want, but my thighs are stubborn. I am now on my way to working on a program to re-define the shape of my legs. That is really my new goal since I am almost at my scale goal. I know it wont' be easy, but I have heard it can be done. That lengthening the muscle and getting as lean as possible without bulking can help. But in the long run, I guess I have to accept that my thighs will always be a little thicker...But at least soon I can call then shapely too!
  • farmgirl88
    farmgirl88 Posts: 91 Member
    I have stout German legs... 23" thunder thighs on top and thick, hearty ankles on bottom. Oh well. I still wear skinny jeans because they're comfortable. Luckily, the much more flattering flare leg jean is still in style, so I can always turn to a trendy pair to balance my legs and give a nice boost to my rear :)
  • diviana
    diviana Posts: 53
    Part of my weight loss journey is getting more comfortable with my body. This includes taking time to reflect on how large I used to be, what has changed, and what will happen in the future. I'm genetically predisposed to have a certain body type- in my family it's big chests, big tummy, flat butt, skinny legs. That's pretty much the direction in which I'm heading. Right now, I weigh 365. I just measured my own thigh, and it's 21". While that may be "thunder thighs" on some, on me it looks on the skinny side. It's absurdly funny.

    It's all relative though. I can't beat myself up too much for WHAT IS (i.e. the weight gain), but focus on WHAT WILL BE (weight loss and wellness). If you're unhappy about your thighs, do what you have to do to take care of that as much as possible. Another part of this challenge for me is learning to play up my attributes what do exist, and not focusing so much on my flaws. That's a tough thing to wrap the brain around, but I/you/we can get there if we try :-)
  • hollyknouse
    hollyknouse Posts: 232 Member
    I feel your pain! I have big thighs AND calves =(

    I have huge thighs and calves too :( It doesn't matter if I weigh 249 or 120 (and believe me I have been at all different sizes) I just cant get rid of them. My friend gave me the cutest pair of boots recently and I couldn't get them up over my calves. Ugh...
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    Yep - I'm a medium on top and a LARGE on the bottom.
    My thighs are def where I need to lose the most weight.
  • Diem30
    Diem30 Posts: 92
    I feel for everyone on this thread, I've got the thunder thighs and J-Lo booty to go with them all I can say is Squats and Lunges are my new Frienemies.
  • margarita953
    margarita953 Posts: 27 Member
    Yep, that would be me! I have never had skinny legs. Mine are more muscular, and then there's a layer of fat on top of the muscle. :( I've accepted the fact that my legs will never be small so as long as I can get the fat off my legs I'm happy with them :)
  • Shell_Bee
    Shell_Bee Posts: 4 Member
    I too will join the 'Large Thighs AND Calves' Society. I used to try to hide them in longer skirts, but since losing some weight and with a few more pounds to go I have begun to embrace them and got myself a pair of skinny jeans! I have also been able to sneak back into my boot-cut jeans! I am VERY excited to fit back into any kind of jean, comfortably.

    I was ALWAYS asked if I was a gymnast or a dancer (none of the above) so GURLS, EMBRACE YOUR CURVES!
  • Life0nMars86
    Life0nMars86 Posts: 155 Member
    bwahaha....o I so shouldn't have done that....I just did a not so accurate measurment with string and ruler buttt...left thigh is about 25' and right is about 24'. Even when I was smaller my legs were always big, and never can I remember them not touching eachother lol it's a pain....and I have no butt so it's always looked a bit awkward...

    And I can totally relate to the big calves as well...they're each 15-16' sighhh....darn tree trunks...

    But I've worn skinny jeans b4...shrug....somedays I just don't give a damn anymore what other people think of what I wear....
  • dmkaiser83
    my calves are big too! hate it.
  • mirapaigew
    mirapaigew Posts: 107
    Ohhhhh yes! I've always had HUGE thighs from gymnastics. My legs are still solid and in shape (can't say that much about the rest of me lol) and they're 26" .... My legs look like chicken drumsticks. hahahah
  • mirapaigew
    mirapaigew Posts: 107
    Also didn't help that about 5 or 6 years ago I got in to power lifting and was squatting about 300lbs. lol
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    I have large backside, thighs and calfs

    however if i had a large backside, skinny thighs and calfs, i'd look like i was going to capsize.

    I dont mind it that much because they are rather firm.
  • Hi ladies! Im new here but I know quite a bit about weight loss & health so I'd like to find fitness buddies(: first of all I wanted to point out that you do not have thunder thighs. You are a normal person! You should not be looking at the tabloids or the models. TRUST ME, those people do not look like that year round. The victoria's secret models? Yes even they don't look like that year round. They only look like that for the fashion show, during the year they are spray tanned so they look like they have abs. You should not worry about your weight unless your BMI is over 24 if it's not then you're safe. If you want to lose weight eat in moderation, cut your portion sizes, eat 6 meals a day about a 1/3 of the size of a regular meal and start working out more. You could try running! Trust me it's a pain at first but I love it now! I can't go a day without running! I also love pilates and dancing! I can't go a day without that either, you have to find what works for you! No one has the same body so NO ONE is going to have the same workout. I started out small with walking for 1/2 an hour every day & then increasing it by 10 minutes each week. I love working out now & if you need any advice or if anyone needs motivation or a workout buddie I'm here to help!(: I have had success, I went from 136 ibs to 120 ibs & I want to help people with their goals too because it is possible! Never give up on yourself!
    Xoxo, HealthFreak
  • BellaFe
    BellaFe Posts: 323
    I have 23" thighs and I wear skinny jeans just fine :)
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    Thunda thighs here!

    I kind of like em though....hated when skinny jeans became popular though. Scumbag skinny jeans.
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    Hi ladies! Im new here but I know quite a bit about weight loss & health so I'd like to find fitness buddies(: first of all I wanted to point out that you do not have thunder thighs. You are a normal person! You should not be looking at the tabloids or the models. TRUST ME, those people do not look like that year round. The victoria's secret models? Yes even they don't look like that year round. They only look like that for the fashion show, during the year they are spray tanned so they look like they have abs. You should not worry about your weight unless your BMI is over 24 if it's not then you're safe. If you want to lose weight eat in moderation, cut your portion sizes, eat 6 meals a day about a 1/3 of the size of a regular meal and start working out more. You could try running! Trust me it's a pain at first but I love it now! I can't go a day without running! I also love pilates and dancing! I can't go a day without that either, you have to find what works for you! No one has the same body so NO ONE is going to have the same workout. I started out small with walking for 1/2 an hour every day & then increasing it by 10 minutes each week. I love working out now & if you need any advice or if anyone needs motivation or a workout buddie I'm here to help!(: I have had success, I went from 136 ibs to 120 ibs & I want to help people with their goals too because it is possible! Never give up on yourself!
    Xoxo, HealthFreak

    As well intended as this post is, you do realize we are on a fitness site and it comes off as a bit patronizing....No one mentioned Vikkis Secret models or low self esteem, we are just chit chattin bout thighs ya dig.

    p.s. Welcome :smile: