
bea87 Posts: 2 Member
I am Bea, am 23 years old and am so Happy I found this website:D
am 5'5 and 123 pounds, which may not sound like a lot, but am terribly out of shape. Looking to meet people on the site that have goals similar to mine:D

Looking forward to hearing from you all! and Good luck and God bless you on your journey<3


  • leouniverse
    I really enjoy this site, after doing Weight Watchers for years, this site seems more user friendly than their online program. I also love that there is an android app I can use on my tablet as well. I hope you have good luck with your weight loss, it is mostly all about cal in vs cal out.

    Try moderate exercise too. I am 5'2" and no idea of my weight (too afraid to get on the scale) I was very low this October but I kept getting ill and had to stop running. I gained weight by loss of calorie burn. Tonight I am going for a walk on the treadmill and hopefully when the sun comes out, I'll be outside again.

    You can do this, just get your plan and stick with it. Everything is possible if you plan for it.