Jump Start

Wolterjf Posts: 3
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Is there a healthy and effective way to jump start weight loss that anyone has tried?


  • Mark330
    Mark330 Posts: 75
    Exercise and lower calorie intake. Eat healthier calories.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    swap all your liquid foods (chocolate milk, soda, fruit juice) with regular water for 3-5 days. This will definitely make you feel different and give a good boost to your scale (in the downwards way :wink:)
  • Raine7
    Raine7 Posts: 19
    No not really. Even if you do a cleanse its not fat that your loosing. So really the short answer to that is NO.
    Excersize and calorie intake is the only way that I know of.
  • LeanLove
    LeanLove Posts: 8
    I eat 1200 calories a day.. It is effective so far and don't drink your calories.
  • KimberlyCauvel
    KimberlyCauvel Posts: 1 Member
    probably not HCG =P
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