would like your input.

So as of easter I have come down with what I think is a cold due to michigans wonderful weather change. Im thinking that since I have met my goal of losing 5 lbs for April I am not going to exercise the remaining days of april and just focus on getting over my cold. I will still be staying in my calorie goal and drinking my 10 glasses of water i do now.

May 1st I will be back at it. I have done challenges the past 2 months to lose 5lbs each month and that has worked for me. This month I want to concentrate more on losing inches and toning. So I just ordered the Banish fat Boost metabolism dvd and it should be here soon

This is my plan for may. I will alternate between BFBM and No more trouble zones every other day. Thanks to school being over for the summer I will have more time. I am taking summer classes but not as intense as this past semester. So on tues wed and sun i want to do the C25K also. Does this seem do able should I do anything different? Just looking to get some insight,. Thanks.