theatredork157 Posts: 6
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
I started this about a month ago...maybe? But then went RIGHT back to eating unhealthy. Now I am 247 pounds, and can't fit into any of my shorts of jeans.... This is the biggest I have ever been. I really need some motivation since I don't have any self-motivation what so ever. Motivation or advice?? I'm stuck in a unhealthy ditch!!:/


  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Unfortunately... only YOU can find what motivates YOU! We can send you support **HUGS**
  • Unfortunately she's right. You have to set it in your mind and just do it. It sucks sometimes and some people have to work harder than others. For me I have to fight myself to get on the treadmill after work (still fighting it btw). Food or a nice healthier you? You have to decide which you want more
  • DaniJeanine
    DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member
    Well, start by thinking of your health. You're probably doing this not only to look good, but to be healthy. There's nothing more valuable in this world than your own health and well-being, so think of those you love. I'm sure you want to enjoy every minute you have with them as a healthy, happy, person who is confident about the way she cares for herself. Good luck can do this!!! :-)
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    I started at 247, too. I have been losing weight for less than 4 months and have lost 43 pounds. I started just working out on my Wii Fit and now I take walks and do leslie Sansone DVD's. I am not always perfect, I go out to eat sometimes and eat pizza almost once a week. I don't deny myself something if I really want it. I have tried so many things to lose weight in the past and this is the first thing that has worked for me. Every time I feel like giving up, I just remember why I started this and I tell myself if I don't do it now, I never will. Good luck, you can do it. If I can, anyone can!!!!!
  • You have to do it for you and your health, no one else's opinions matter nearly as much. Try not to be hard on yourself and take it one day at a time. Realize just how awesome it will feel when you lose five, ten, twenty pounds! Instead of feeling bad for not being able to fit into something, see it as a challenge! You CAN do it. There's nothing stopping you but it will take time. Try to think of it as loving yourself (and everyone else who loves you) enough to take good care of yourself. That food isn't nearly as important as feeling good about yourself. Come on here for support whenever you need! Good luck!!
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Unfortunately... only YOU can find what motivates YOU! We can send you support **HUGS**


    good luck with you goals.
  • I totally understand where you're coming from. I started this 3 months ago, stopped after two weeks, came back a month later stopped after a week and now I'm trying it again. I've tried all kinds of crazy "quick fixes" and nothing worked. I started doing Insanity (I'm going on my 4th week) it's a dvd workout program. You do it once a day for 40 minutes. I started trying to eat as healthy as possible without being extreme. I have my days in which i'm too lazy to work out and where i eat too much sweets. But it's a process. If today goes bad just think tomorrow is a new start. I've only lost 9 lbs so I'm by no means an expert. But just keep doing something and know that you are NOT the only going through this. Hope it helps, even a little.
  • brooke_g0501
    brooke_g0501 Posts: 66 Member
    I agree! Only you know what your goal is and how bad you want it! Maybe buying a pair of shorts that are a couple sizes too small & putting them in a spot where you see them everyday! Try them on weekly until they fit! Also, start researching some low fat recipes that taste good & that you dont mind eating! My motivation is wearing a mini skirt to my boyfriend's 30th b-day party in June. I didnt have much to lose, but I'm really sticking to it, although it can be hard! The website has some great recipes! Good luck!
  • Ms_Lady
    Ms_Lady Posts: 31
    Don't wait to be in bad health, like I did. Your motivation should be your desire to be healthy, look good for YOU and feel confident about yourself! It's hard starting out, but you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. I chose to join a gym, where I could participate in group execise classes. I also have a personal trainer--once I paid for it, that was it! So, I figured that I better do it since I made a big investment in ME! So, pick something that you love to do, whether it's walking, dancing, jogging, etc., and just DO IT! It's better to do something rather than nothing. Also, if you know you have a problem eating certain foods, rid your home of anything that will tempt you! Stay away from fast food, unless you have places that can give you healthy food options. Drink plenty of water, and stay away from sodas! They'll bloat you from the sodium and carbonation. You can do it!:flowerforyou:
  • Ms_Lady
    Ms_Lady Posts: 31
    OH, and by the way....I fell off the bandwagon 6 times before I took losing weight seriously! So, don't be hard on yourself....pick up and start anew...right NOW....
  • carpediem3
    carpediem3 Posts: 320 Member
    I started at 247 also. 4 months in I've lost 22lbs. It was a constant struggle day in and day out to change the ways I had grown custom to for most of my teenage/adult life. Like others have said I had to chose between food and my health. I chose to get healthy for me and my family. I still have days where its not easy to jump on that treadmill, but on those days I do something else. A short walk, or 5minutes of something is better than doing nothing

    You can do this, we're all here for support! Best of luck to you!
  • jjlazar
    jjlazar Posts: 4 Member
    YOUR BEAUTIFUL AND YOU CAN DO THIS!! Everyone has said the truth, it's you that must motivate you. But having an overweight daughter I know what it's like to see someone lose desire when they feel trapped and unmotivated. Know this. You were created in the image of God and he has equipped you with all you need to achieve a healthy body, so make a decision this day to learn patience, endurance, and courage because it's a disciplinary problem that most often keeps us from keeping our goals. This is not too hard for you. Be blessed today and just pick up and start over and let the goal be your health, not what you should look like to a magazine. I do recommend The Makers Diet by JOrdin Rubin. Clean eating. Basically just eat what your body was built to eat while you maintain physical activity and be sure to take a day of rest at the end of the week and enjoy yourself and you'd be amazed at what will happen. I'm doing this with my family (I've done it before and maintained for 3 yrs now) and my husband has lost 8 lbs, my 12 yr old son lost 5 lbs, my daughter has lost 13lbs in 2 months. :-)
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    This may sound dumb, but Youtube really helps me get 'in the mood' for exercise and healthy eating. There are lots of great exercise and diet advisors, plus lots of 'success story' videos, and people who vlog (video blog) their weight loss journeys so you can identify with the setbacks as well as times when they reach their goals.

    Try setting aside some time each day for motivational stuff...message boards etc...I hope this helps!!
  • jackiemarie
    jackiemarie Posts: 111
    I have a little calendar planner where I write down what exercise I will do I usually plan ahead about one or two weeks! Like Tuesday "yoga" Wednesday "gym cardio" stuff like that, I find I hold myself accountable because it's like a scheduled activity I need to be at!!!! Lol it's worked so far :) also just friending people on MFP with similar starting points and goals helped me . And open diaries! I always think "ugh mfp peeps wouldn't be proud of my midnight binge" lol it keeps me honest :) good luck!!!!!
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