Snacks (Or how you avoid binging...)



  • lisa35120
    lisa35120 Posts: 230 Member
    I usually eat a small spoonful of peanut butter (keeps me from getting hungry for a while), or maybe some fruit, string cheese, veggies w/humus, yogurt, fudgesicles, etc... I find that sometimes I have to just completely stay away from unhealthy things like candy or soda, or else I will end up coming back for more.
  • waterbabeAD
    6 months ago I would have never have eaten these, but now they are my standard snack at work when I get the mid-morning/afternoon nibbles - dried figs and almonds. Just enough to take the craving edge off and are super healthy.
  • tjnowlin
    tjnowlin Posts: 2 Member
    oatmeal, cliff bar, turkey bites or turkey jerkey, almonds, can of tune w/ mustard, bowl of cheerios w/ strawberries, any fruit or vegetable (good thing about these is that you can have as much as you want, I've never heard of anyone becoming obese from eating too much fruits and veggies.) Salt and butter free popcorn.

    Heres what I have found out. Eat small and eat often. I eat about every 3 hours and try to keep it around 300-500 calories. 500 on dinner and 300 for the rest. I stay full, never hungry. I tend to have to force myself to eat. I am full of energy and weight is falling off. Just watch what you are putting in your body, if its good and you don't overdue it then you should be fine.
  • itsgotsnuts
    itsgotsnuts Posts: 12 Member
    - salt and vinegar almonds by Diamond (these are INCREDIBLE- if you like that flavor profile)
    - popcorn with Sriracha squirted on it (very Janet Jackson in Poetic Justice, tho she used Tabasco)
    - frozen chunks of cantaloupe
    -warm edamame with sea salt
    -sushi hand made to your liking (and size) with brown rice and yummy veggies

    But, many believe you should have a cheat every once in awhile, once you are on your way, which it sounds like you are. Reward yourself every now and then. I mean, this is for life. You can't go your whole life without ever eating fried chicken again, if you love that. Just don't eat a whole bucket, you know? And make it every once in a while, once a month, or something, as a reward for reaching a goal. Buddha said something like, "everything in moderation, including moderation itself." Wise words, I say.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Peanut Butter on Rasin Toast or String Cheese. I also try to snack on fruit.. not too much for veggies yet!