Good evening!

zaz936 Posts: 68 Member
Well, Easter is over (so no more excuses) and it seems that I can't manage my weight on my own. I'm good with exercice, but a hectic lifestyle (travels, partys, lunches with colleagues, after hours networking, suppers with friends, family receptions) and the bad habit of a glass of wine to unwind are catching up with me.

Highly energetic, powerful job, intense and very large family, I enjoy life tremendously and am quite successful at most things I undertake. The weight thing is one hurdle that I cannot overcome, and I'm here to track my food intake and exercice, read the forums, and get help and support in this new goal that I'm setting for myself. Wanna help?

PS. I'm French from Canada, so it's very likely that I'll make mistakes when writing in English.


  • jojopel
    jojopel Posts: 348 Member
    Welcome! I'm also French Canadian and always looking for more support. Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me.