Shedding for my wedding!

chaoticbliss81 Posts: 2
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all!

I ordered my wedding gown over a year ago. At the time I was 209 pounds and between dress sizes. The owner of the store said brides usually lost weight from the stresses of wedding planning. If I could loose 5 pounds, I'd fit the smaller size. Well instead of down, my weight went UP! I moved in with my fiance and I started eating like him (lots of restaurants). I ballooned to 226. When I picked up my dress it was too small to put on! In a state of panic I signed up for Nutrisystem in October of last year. The food required so much doctoring up that I could have just made meals from scratch. Heh. Regardless, I got down to 202 pounds by January, 7 pounds lighter than when I bought the dress. Even though I exceeded the original goal by 2 pounds, my dress is still to tight! I can get it on, and it laces up, but it's bunching in places (and "the girls" are pretty smooshed)! At my fitting last week the seamstress gave me 6 weeks to loose another 10 pounds. If I don't loose it by then, the back corset panel will have to be moved over half an inch (not a cheap alteration).

Not sure if I can do it, but I'm going to try! So far I've lost 2 lbs with the help of MFP. Wish me luck!


  • lnadeau66
    lnadeau66 Posts: 135 Member
    Best of Luck to You! You can do it, just stick to it, and add some exercise, make the time, it will be worth it!
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    You can do it! Drop the carbs, up the protein and fiber and increase your exercise and you will be an AWESOME bride!
  • You can do it!! You have the motivation - just do it! :smile:
  • ajk828
    ajk828 Posts: 335
    You can do it :) YOu will be stunning on your princess day !
  • tpycha126
    tpycha126 Posts: 217 Member
    Eat very very clean! Fruits veggies, lean protein. Stay away from fast food, processed foods, no soda and exercise as much as possible. You can do it you just have to stick with it
  • barbleit
    barbleit Posts: 8 Member
    You don't need luck, you just found the right site to lose.Try to walk 30 minutes fast every morning and stroll 20 minutes at night, you will rev up that metabolism.Have a beautiful wedding and marriage.
  • merfrances
    merfrances Posts: 2 Member
    Good luck!! You can do it! I am losing for my wedding too - and my goal is 10 - pounds from my first fitting until my second one on May 5. You got this!!!
  • MeAfter30
    MeAfter30 Posts: 129
    First I just wanted to say no matter what you will look amazing on your wedding day. As to gaining a few pounds, don't feel bad about it, the same thing happened to my sister. I find it hard to believe that "most" brides lose weight before a wedding due to the stress, or at least in my case, most people I know EAT when they are stressed! LOL!
  • kalelwifey
    kalelwifey Posts: 172
    First I just wanted to say no matter what you will look amazing on your wedding day. As to gaining a few pounds, don't feel bad about it, the same thing happened to my sister. I find it hard to believe that "most" brides lose weight before a wedding due to the stress, or at least in my case, most people I know EAT when they are stressed! LOL!

    I knoww right lol i never heard of stress means losingg..shoot if so i should be skintee!

    hehe but yes Good Luck With this 10 pounddss! You can do it girl
  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    You can do it! Good luck! I'm sure you'll be a beautiful bride and your dress will fit you perfectly!
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Congrats on the wedding. Im sure you can do this. Do you have time to do a work out dvd, like 30DS? It could make a massive difference to you?

    Good luck.x
  • misha7
    misha7 Posts: 7
    You'll look great no matter what. Using MFP makes losing weight soo much easier. Since I have been counting calories my eating has changed dramatically and this program helps so much. It s way better than those diet plans and keeps the money in your pocket. Good luck - and have a fantastic wedding =)
  • jentidd
    jentidd Posts: 80
    good luck to you!
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