so frustrating!! does anyone else have this problem?



  • kcphilly
    kcphilly Posts: 71
    Yep those clothes will add those pounds right on at the doctors. I go quarterly cause of constantly having to get my thyroid checked, and winter time is the worst! Sweaters, boots, it all adds up. It sucks cause last time I went I would have loved to have moved down a notch on their scale and not need the 150+ measurement and just be at 100+. I feel like I could get there next time but I always have to keep in mind I'm gonna need to well beyond that in "real weight."
  • pbjelly524
    I have to agree with MochaMix!! F* the scale girl! You have worked hard and should continue to feel cute and proud of how you look! Forget the numbers and just keep doing what you're doing because it honestly does sound like it's working. Don't give up! Find a way to make yourself feel better again too... sometimes shopping helps! ;) Or dancing! I like the kid in the blue plaid that gets so into it he falls!!! hehe. At least one of these dances will put a smile back on your face!
    Don't let the scale get you down. Tomorrow is another day! So enjoy life and keep on going!! :)