85 Kg to loose - would love some friends for support and who

delisa83 Posts: 10 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hi :-D

I have been a member of MFP for a few months now, but thought I should finally introduce myself.

I used to weigh over 200kg and lost all of that weight on my own, but after meeting my husband, getting married, getting pregnant, being on bed rest for most of the pregnancy, getting pregnant again 8 weeks after my first son, also being on bed rest then losing out second born son 2 hours after he was born and slipping into a state of grief and depression the weight has piled back on (plus side its not as bad as last time).

So my husband and I are hoping to get pregnant again in the next year, but we want to both be healthy and in great shape before we try again.

I would love to find some friends who understand the challenge i am facing and would be willing to offer advice and encouragement along the way.


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